Mega Mek always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions, thus making it currently impossible to make alterations to the Mega Mek's natural spawn colors.This section displays the Mek's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an ...
Info Tips Spawn Command Best Gatherers 1 Metal Sickle ★︎4.9 2 Moschops ★︎4.3 3 Gigantopithecus ★︎4.2 4 Direbear ★︎4.1 5 Therizinosaurus ★︎4.1 6 Tek Stryder ★︎4 7 Megachelon ★︎4 8 Maewing ★︎3.9 9 Mantis ★︎3.7 10 Gacha ★︎3.6 Show 3 More Disagree wit...
InfoTipsSpawn Command Best Gatherers 1 Chainsaw ★︎4.9 2 Fasolasuchus ★︎4.4 3 Giganotosaurus ★︎4.4 4 Carcharodontosaurus ★︎4.4 5 Fenrir ★︎4.3 6 Andrewsarchus ★︎4.2 7 Direwolf ★︎4.1 8 Thylacoleo ★︎4.1 9
The Mega Mek is assembled by using a M.O.M.I. to combine four Meks. However, it can only be properly used during the Alpha King Titan boss fight, so you need to assemble the Mega Mek only in the presence of the Alpha King Titan. ...
The Mega Mek is assembled by using a M.O.M.I. to combine four Meks. However, it can only be properly used during the Alpha King Titan boss fight, so you need to assemble the Mega Mek only in the presence of the Alpha King Titan. Titan Taming...
It is a unique alternate of the original Giganotosaurus, purely made of Tek. It does not spawn in the wild, but is functional though the game may not load it when resuming from a save file. This variant cannot be uploaded nor cloned. ...
We regularly showcase some of the incredible fanart and creations from the community in this weekly series. You can view the artwork in a short video format on our social media accounts along-side this post, which servers get a closer look at these works of AR(K)! Want to see ...
Fixed a case where a Mek could spawn in the mesh when crafted from a Tek Replicator Fixed the inability to hide the BattleRig Garage roof after removing structures that were blocking it Adjusted the player's seated position when accessing the BattleRig Garage with the roof h...
This is the only weather event where Phoenix will spawn in the Scorched Earth Map; it will not be around outside of this weather event. Terror Message: Your dino is scared and out of control! HUD Text: Reduced damage resistance and lack of control! Information: This status effect is inf...
Mega Mek Non Ne fonctionnera que pendant le combat contre le Rois des Titans Alpha. Mésopithèque Oui Microraptor Oui Morellatops Oui Mosasaure Oui/Non Peut seulement entrer dans l'Arène de la Moeder. Moschops Oui Oiseau-Terreur Oui Onyc Oui/Non Peut seulement entrer dans l'Arèn...