These commands allow you to give a specific item to yourself or another player. Setting ForceBlueprint to 'true' or '1' will give the blueprint, while setting it to 'false' or '0' will add the item itself. For a full list of Ark item ID numbers, see this list. GiveItem Give...
给指定的物品 请参照上面的物品ID 例1: giveitemnum 105 1 1 false 给贮存箱 1个Stat FPS Shows your FPS and latency, usable by anyone. 隐示帧数-单人形式-SetCheatPlayer True Enables 10、Cheat Menu 开启做弊选单SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu 闭闭做弊选单God Unkillable, except you ...
AdminCheatGiveItemNumGivesyouanitem.给指定的物品请参照下面的物品ID>>例1:giveitemnum10511false给储存箱1个 StatFPSShowsyourFPSandlatency,usablebyanyone.显示帧数 ---单人模式--- SetCheatPlayerTrueEnablesCheatMenu开启作弊选单 SetCheatPlayerFalseDisablesCheatMenu关闭作弊选单 GodUnkillable,exceptyoucandrow...
全物品ID Item ID Item Description 1 Simple Pistol 2 Assault Rifle 3 Rocket Launcher 4 Simple Bullet 5 Bow 6 Genade 7 Wood 8 Stone 9 Metal 10 Hide 11 Chitin 12 Raw Meat 13 Spoiled Meat 14 Cooked Meat 15 Water Jar 16 Water Jar (Full) 17 Cloth Pants 18 Cloth Shirt 19 Cloth Hat 20...
Grid如何实现拖拽功能 设置属性editMode(true)设置Grid是否进入编辑模式,进入编辑模式可以拖拽Grid组件内部GridItem。在onItemDragStart回调中设置拖拽过程……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
Grid onItemDragStart默认时间设置替代方案、以及多列GridItem实现通用示例 Grid设置拖动时onItemDragStart默认时间是170毫秒,目前无法设置onItem……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
admincheat giveitemnumtoplayer <PlayerID> <ItemID> <QTY> <Quality> <True/False> Give specified player an item or engram giveitemnumtoplayer 399414114 1 1 0 false gives <PlayerID> a primitive simple pistol. Setting the "Engram" variable to "true" gives you just the blueprint. or set...
AdminCheat GiveItemNum Gives you an item. 给指定的物品 请参照下面的物品ID >>例1: giveitemnum 105 1 1 false 给储存箱 1个 Stat FPS Shows your FPS and latency, usable by anyone. 显示帧数 ---单人模式--- SetCheatPlayer True Enables Cheat Menu 开启作弊选单 ...
I confirm that this message doesn’t include personal data like ID numbers, card details, or other sensitive information. I’ve checked that all information complies with privacy laws and the G2A.COMTerms and Conditionsand doesn’t violate anyone’s rights, including data or image rights....
I confirm that this message doesn’t include personal data like ID numbers, card details, or other sensitive information. I’ve checked that all information complies with privacy laws and the G2A.COMTerms and Conditionsand doesn’t violate anyone’s rights, including data or image rights....