[PC] - BUG: Transferring Ice Golem to Genesis 2 gets stuck in Cryopod bug genesis 2 cryopod 由Hodir发表于 八月24, 2021在General 已归档 该主题已归档,关闭其他点评。 跳转到主题列表 所有动态 主页 论坛 ARK Genesis Part 2 General [PC] - BUG: Transferring Ice Golem to ...
Undocumented: Base stats of the Fire Wyvern, Ice Wyvern, Lightning Wyvern and Poison Wyvern have been changed. Health has been lowered to 1295 from 1725. Stamina has been increased to 315 from 275. Food has been lowered to 1800 from 2000.338.23...
Undocumented: Base stats of the Fire Wyvern, Ice Wyvern, Lightning Wyvern and Poison Wyvern have been changed. Health has been lowered to 1295 from 1725. Stamina has been increased to 315 from 275. Food has been lowered to 1800 from 2000.338.23...
golem boss. We defeated it... As we were leaving... I was jumping a gap of lava... A lag spike hit rubber banding me back... She fell into the lava... She gave her life so i could grapple to safety... We have a grave set up for her on her favourite spot... She leaves ...
Melee 48 Wild Stats Level-upType in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1] Level...
PelagornisNote that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed....
智慧59.2 33.0 单通道两端入口 60.3 33.1 / 58.5 33.2 深渊32.3 24.4 蜜蜂洞31.2 31.1中间黄水晶 三个洞口30.8 30.6 / 31.9 32.0 / 32.7 31.0 入口海39.3 19.3 紫色大狡诈83.1 25.6 水下 猎手66.4 40.7 露天山顶 困难: 卫士68.4 50.5 狮鹫谷附近
- LavaGolemLootMaxItemFromSet:熔岩巨人战利品中每组物品的最大数量。 - LavaGolemLootMaxInventoryItems:熔岩巨人战利品的最大库存物品数量。 - ElementToDustAmount:将元素转化为灰尘的数量。 - DustToElementCost:灰尘转化为元素的成本。 - OwlIceCrashCooldown:猫头鹰的冰冻突袭冷却时间。
Community Crunch 445: Astraeos, Love Ascended, and more! an article发表 StudioWildcard到ARK News Happy Valentine’s Day, Survivors! Whether you're spending the day with loved ones in the real world or braving the wilds together on the ARKs, we hope your adventures are filled with friendshi...
Come the end of summer after transfers open up on the center (which I’m totally hyped for that release), Scorched is going to turn back into the wyvern, golem, mantis and faso farm is was in ASE. Most of us will have a small outpost on the map so we can get wyvern eggs, tame...