How to change the weather and pause time in Ark These cheats start or stop the desired weather effect. Different maps have different cheats for weather. The Island: starttime stoptime heatwave coldfront makeitrain fogitup Scorched Earth expansion: start_superheat stop_superheat start_sandstorm sto...
With ARK 2 now on the horizon, we’re energized to ascend into a new generation of gaming. Unreal Engine 5 is empowering us to make the game everything it can be. Any Homo Deus would be proud to see it in action, and we look forward to having al...
If u encounter this bloodthirsty monster in the wild make sure to close the game otherwise ur dead even with an army of max mutated gigas and 4 ice titans it still will be extremely difficult to defeat as it does more damage then a sauropod smarter than the king titan and faster than a...
Punching the creature when unconscious can make its Torpor stay up, but you will lose taming effectiveness.Once the creature is unconscious, open its inventory and feed it an appropriate food item by dragging food into its inventory and waiting for the creature to eat it. The food needed to ...
Of course, the cementing paste would be the most used material you would make from the Chitin you have gathered for all your building needs. Cementing Paste can also be gathered as an individual material, so if you are struggling to gather Chitin, you can farm Cementing paste separately. How...
Weight is a measure of how much you are carrying. Every item has a weight value, and if the total weight value of everything you are carrying becomes too great, you will slow down or even stop. If your carried weight becomes equal to or greater than about 85% of your total weight, ...
If you are looking for a fun game to make a server on for you and your friends, THIS IS IT!Most survival games make it so you need food, water, shelter, health desiese, so many of those annoying side bits, BUT THIS! If you got any of those it is easy to handle! This is def...
Travel: The speed and stamina of an Equus allows it to outrun and outpace a huge majority of the creatures. With its kick attack, it can discourage most of the creatures that hunt it. Scout: The Equus' speed can make it a very viable scout for sneaking into other player's bases, pro...
Shi Hai and others like him will talk-talk-talk a bunch about how its for the benefit of content creators when really it's for the game company because web3/blockchain/NFTs makes it possible for the company to make money whenever players sell things to each other. What they're ...
Higher crafting skillreduces the amount of time it takes to craft an item, allowing you to craft more items in a shorter amount of time. ... 0, Crafting Skill will also improve the Item Quality of items you craft. How do you make items better quality in Ark?