So, before I go on a rant about the game's "mechanics" and how clunky they are I am simply going to make a list of why I feel that Ark isn't fun for me anymore. I will try to keep it short and sweet to get my point across. 1 - In-game bugs. I understand
GiveExpToTarget <Amount> <FromTribeShare> <PreventSharingWithTribe> Cheat: - Ziel: -Argumente: Name Typ Beschreibung Amount Float Amount to add FromTribeShare Boolean Apply as if experience came from tribe. PreventSharingWithTribe Boolean 1: player only; 0: share with tribe ...
Also, there is an exclusive extra optional step for Mobile players like myself! Now let's get you that Argentavis of yours! Now, get the Argentavis to aggro on you by flying past its face with your mount (Other nearby Argentavises may also aggro on you, so try to get them to de-...
Escape Vehicle: Although a deadly animal that can handle it's self well in a fight Sabertooths also have great speed, this speed can be used to escape threats by outrunning enemies that outnumber or are more powerful than players and their mount.Collectibles...
It can also be used to see the owner of the structures and give commands for your tames to attack something or someone from afar. TheWooden Clubis a great tool for knocking out small creatures fast in order to tame a lot of them and is also feared in PvP if someone decides to spend...
“So, why not the obelisk go against us? Why give us its power?” Samuel asked, “I still believe your book is trustworthy, Skyler, don’t worry. It’s just that gaining its power may not be so easy. That’s why we NEED to find Tiffany, and find the original book. Maybe they’...
The dino is in its mother's womb, requiring time and care from the mother to successfully gestate and give birth. Baby 0% - 10% 49 Minutes 22 Seconds The hatched dino, now a baby, needs constant attention and food directly placed in its inventory to survive, or a Maewing nearby to ...
Twitch Drops and Giveaways (Source 1, 2) Heroes of Arkesia, Servers for the three day head start access launch on February 8, and the journey to become a legend will begin. Watch your favorite Twitch Streamers from around the globe as they venture into Arkesia and strive t...
After you’ve crafted the Legendary Tier 3 Gear set you want from the Hard mode Oreha’s Well Abyssal Dungeons or the Argos Abyss Raid, leftover Crafting materials (Oreha’s Empyrean & Argos’s Blood, respectively) can be dismantled to give large amounts of Great Honor Leap...
Because some of us are willing to give the sequel a shot regardless, and it comes with a fix that's been begged for for years by the entire community. Is there a downside? Sure. Is there a definite upside? Heck yeah there was. But is the upside worth con...