-跑到你前方的终端机. giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_01.PrimalItemArtifact_01'" 1 0 0 giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_02.PrimalItemArtifact_02'" 1 0 0 giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Primal...
Message: Max Level Wild Dino Detected HUD Text: Careful, there are high level creatures nearby! Information: This status occurs by carrying a Charge Light dino set to active with said effect enabled. Triggered when a highest-level (150+) Wild Dino is/are nearby.Winded...
-跑到你前方的终端机. giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_01.PrimalItemArtifact_01'" 1 0 0 giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_02.PrimalItemArtifact_02'" 1 0 0 giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Primal...
This option uses "PlayersJoinNoCheckList.txt" to allow people to join but not give them cheats. If the file does not exist in your Linux/Win64 Binaries folder, create it and add the Steam64 IDs of the players you wish to be allowed to join your server. Path; "\ShooterGame\Binaries\...
Max After Taming Torpor Timer4:48 Track this creature's torpor and narcotic consumpion over time.Learn more Torpor Drain Rate: Low 1.0/s This creature's torpor drops slowly, so you won't have to give it narc...(read more) Narcotics Needed ...
10. When the egg hatches, you will have to take care of the wyvern until it grows. You have to do the things that the wyvern asks you to do. The hardest one is to give it wyvern milk. To acquire this you need to knock out an adult wyvern or kill an Alfa. BUT THERE IS A MUC...
GMSummon — Spawns a tamed creature of a set level GiveDinoSet — Spawns set of dinos with saddles. Tier options can be entered as a number or word, as follows: 0— Raptor, Dilo, Trike 1— Raptor, Carnotaurus, Thylacoleo 2— Rex, Spino, Paracer, Therizinosaur 3— Rex, Rex with ...
Lost Ark: For a game that has an option to bypass the leveling process by paying for a leveled character, Lost Ark has a hefty amount of story and dungeons to get through.
The numbers in these tables are meant to give a first impression on the needed resources and to compare to other creatures and so are only for a level 30 creature, fed with the standard food (i.e. Mejoberry for Herbivores and Raw Meat for Carnivores). For the Tranq Arrow number it ...
So, I started using the Workshop Addon "Wyvern Mating" so we could breed our dragons, now were at a point where we have a lvl 200 wyvern egg, but the baby which came out is lvl 155. Now my Question is: Is there any max level for babys in the server setti