GiveResources — Add 50 units of each resource to your inventory. There's also the GiveItemSet cheat, which gives you a convenient package of consumables from a given item tier. GiveItemSet - Gives you all items in specified tier Item tiers can be a number or word, and are as follows...
AdminCheatDamageTargetDamagesacreatureyouarelookingatforasetamount伤害当前所看的目标 AdminCheatDestroyAllEnemiesDestroysallenemies.Theyrespawnafterawhile.杀死所有的恐龙,过一会会重生出来 GiveEngramsunlocksallcraftingrecipesforyourcharacter-*Bugged-Youcan'tcrafttheserecipes开启所有蓝图(目前此功能有问题) AdminCheat...
号召一只恐龙到以后地位AdminCheat GiveItemNum Gives you an item. 给指定的物品 请参照上面的物品ID 例1: giveitemnum 105 1 1 false 给贮存箱 1个Stat FPS Shows your FPS and latency, usable by anyone. 隐示帧数-单人形式-SetCheatPlayer True Enables 10、Cheat Menu 开启做弊选单SetCheatPlayer ...
8.37 SetTargetPlayerBodyVal 8.38 SetTargetPlayerColorVal 8.39 ShowInGameMenu 8.40 ShowTutorial 8.41 Suicide 8.42 ToggleInfiniteAmmo 8.43 Walk 8.44 ToggleGun 8.45 RefillStats 8.46 GiveArmorSet 8.47 GiveWeaponSet 8.48 GiveItemSet 8.49 ClearMyBuffs 8.50 SetMyTargetSleeping 9 Dino Commands 9.1 DestroyAll...
cheatgiveitemnum<物品ID><数量><品质><是否绑定>:获得指定物品 cheatgiveengrams:解锁所有物品图纸 cheatsettimeofday<小时><分钟>:设置游戏时间 cheatforcetame:驯服当前目标 cheatforcetame<生物ID><等级><性别><是否饱食>:驯服指定生物 cheatsetplayerpos<X><Y><Z>:传送到指定坐标 cheatslomo<倍速...
Givedinoset <tier> <quantity>- Spawns a dinosaur with a saddle of a set tier and quantity. Giveengrams-All crafting recipes are unlocked. Giveengramstekonly- All Tek engrams are unlocked. Giveitemset <tier>- All set items of the tier are spawned. ...
召唤一只恐龙 到当前位置 AdminCheat GiveItemNum Gives you an item. 给指定的物品 请参照下面的物品ID gt;gt;例1: giveitemnum 105 1 1 false 给储存箱 1 个 Stat FPS Shows your FPS and latency, usable by anyone. 显示帧数 单人 模式 SetCheatPlayer True Enables Cheat Menu 开启作弊选单 SetCheat...
Cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Reasource_Crops/Crafter/Forge/Tier1/PrimalItemStructure_IndustrialForgeTier1.PrimalItemStructure_IndustrialForgeTier1'" 100 1 0 0Dreiessen Forge(三级熔炉)Cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Reasource_Crops/Crafter/Forge/Tier2/PrimalItemStructure_IndustrialForge...
ARK方舟生存进化代码大全方舟指令 按 ~ 进入控制台 **24号补丁以后进入控制台改按 TAB 黑色是命令,绿色是中英说明 -------------------------------------------------多人模式-...
送出信息给所有人 AdminCheatSetMessageOfTheDaySetstheMOD设定MOD AdminCheatGodUnkillable,exceptyoucandrown.无敌 AdminCheatFlyAbletoFly飞行模式 AdminChe...