方舟重制版代码,复制粘贴: 一键穿泰克套装: Cheat GiveArmorSet Tek 999 泰克帆 cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Dinos/TekHoverSail/PrimalItem_Spawner_HoverSail_Main.PrimalItem_Spawner_HoverSail_Main" 1 100 0#方舟生存进化 #方舟手游重制版 #方舟重制版 #方舟重制版代码 00:00 / 01:24 连播...
Posted by ImOnFyre, 二月12, 2021 Hey! A reminder to people new to this thread: We have moved the main discussion to discord! Major theories will still be dropped and discussed here but the bulk lore chatter will happen here! Be sure to join if you want to be part of the di...
I get it, they need to eat and relying on Ark 1 sales (8 year old game) which they basically give away for free now isn't enough to support development until 2024 or further. What is suspect is not allowing one to buy ASA separate and also charging for DLCs we already paid for. ...
Givecolors- Spawns all types of dye. Givecreativemode-Enables all features of the creative mode. Givecreativemodetotarget- Enables creative mode for a targeted player. Givecreativemodetoplayer <playerID>- Enables creative mode for a targeted player with the use of an ID. Givedinoset <tier> <...
So you can pass through structures, dinos, buildings and even the terrain. Can be disabled with the use of the walk command. Give All Structure Will allow the user to gain ownership of all tribe/player structures belonging to that which he is looking at (within the crosshairs) giveall...
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Additions_Pack/Deinotherium/Dinos/Rockwell_Deinotherium_Character_BP.Rockwell_Deinotherium_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 150 已驯服代码: cheat gmsummon "Deinotherium_Character_BP_C" 150 cheat gmsummon "Rockwell_Deinotherium_Character_BP_C" 150 ...
$ python uegrep.py --subs Dodo_Character_BP /Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP_C /Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Bog/Dodo_Character_BP_Aggressive.Dodo_Character_BP_Aggressive_C /Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Bog/Dodo_Character_BP_Aggressive_...
In mobile, if you feed your tamed lystro some narcotics (any), it will give itself and your dinos the xp buff. You can pet your lystro and when the buff expires, feed some narcotics, to extend its buff, so you don’t have to wait again to pet him. Up this to inform bobs ...
(for stuff like exporting/renaming dinos or changing following distance) GUI: -Make X/Ypos of ark UI locations Bobby friendly -Fix odd glitches -Make it possible to change the macrostatus location General: -Fix lots of weird formatting/bloated/useless code -Make it easier for people to add...
after update you have so much graphic bugs, crashes , dinos Vanishing after Restart... totally shit i have yesterday the 3rd time build a whole 18 rex and 2 yuti army... today log in and again all vanished FUCK THAT GAME AND UPDATE 2 几个月前 hiking hi all, can this version join...