Ark cheats for armor sets, weapon sets, and gear tiers Let's face it: You're going to end up pissing something off eventually. Best to be prepared, at least. These cheats will help you gear up with weapons and armor. GiveArmorSet — Gives you full armor set for the specified tier ...
Givearmorset <tier> <quality>- Spawn an armor of a set tier and quality. Givebossitems- Spawns a random boss item. Givecolors- Spawns all types of dye. Givecreativemode-Enables all features of the creative mode. Givecreativemodetotarget- Enables creative mode for a targeted player. Givecre...
admincheat giveresources This command will add 50 of each resource in the game to the user's inventory. Be mindful that this may easily encumber you if your weight stat is not boosted above 300+ or if you do not have this increased through admin commands ...
8.46 GiveArmorSet 8.47 GiveWeaponSet 8.48 GiveItemSet 8.49 ClearMyBuffs 8.50 SetMyTargetSleeping 9 Dino Commands 9.1 DestroyAll 9.2 DestroyAllEnemies 9.3 DoTame 9.4 DumpDinoStats 9.5 ForceTame 9.6 ForceTameAOE 9.7 RainCritters 9.8 RainDinos 9.9 RainDanger 9.10 SDF 9.11 SetBabyAge 9.12 SetImprint...
- GiveArmorSet - GiveWeaponSet - GiveItemSet - ClearMyBuffs 280.130 - Raise Scorched Earth consumable lifetime to 90% from 30% of default - Added Titano spawns to Scorched Earth - Plant Z fruits can no longer soak turrets - Fixed a server stall ...
The Cloth Armor provides almost no armor but it’s good enough for protection against Heat. For levels 4 and 5 we recommend unlocking the Hide Sleeping Bag first which works as a one time respawn point, but make sure to craft a couple of those because when you place it and create your...
See Command Line Syntax. ItemStatClamps[<attribute>]=<value> Arguments: attribute integer 0: Generic Quality 1: Armor 2: Max Durability 3: Weapon Damage Percent 4: Weapon Clip Ammo 5: Hypothermal Insulation 6: Weight 7: Hyperthermal Insulation value integer The algorithm used appears to...
Best to bring the shotgun and fight it with TEK armor for a minimal chance of survival. I’ve seen these things take down wild Gigantosaurs and Titanosaurs. Truly scary thing to behold. I once tried to tame one for the boost, I died trying. I had flak armor and was trying to ...
void ArkShop::ApplyItemStats(TArray<UPrimalItem*> items, int armor, int durability, int damage) { if (armor > 0 || durability > 0 || damage > 0) { for (UPrimalItem* item : items) { bool updated = false;static int statInfoStructSize = GetStructSize<FItemStatInfo>();...
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemCostume_BoneRaptor.PrimalItemCostume_BoneRaptor'" 1 0 0 讨论链接 分享到其他网站 More sharing options... 已归档 该主题已归档,关闭其他点评。 跳转到主题列表 Ark...