from simple tasks like starting or stopping rain, to the more egregious ones like spawning in a level 999 Giganotosaurus and forcing it to tame.
Giga's spawning inside bases 主题回复Elgar的BereniceMoal,在分类General Discussion Caused by one of yours mods probably, since in vanilla game Gigas can't spawn in this area. Or you were "pranked" by an admin if it's a private server. ...
The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Giganotosaurus will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID. ...
Experience Gain: Stegosaurs have high Melee Damage and extremely high Health making it an absolute killing machine and an amazing dino that can take care of a lot of experience giving dinos such as Hyenas, Spinosaurs or even a Giga Boss Killer: The stegosaurus, if well-bred, is a useful ...
Like a giga egg Worker: are you done Ark: no. And when it’s ready it explodes your Dino and it’s yours Worker: these players are going to suffer Ark: no there fine Worker: ok. But are you sure you want to do this Ark: positive ...
Adding 1 Giganotosaurus to the beach spawn area: ConfigAddNPCSpawnEntriesContainer=( NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString="DinoSpawnEntriesBeach_C", NPCSpawnEntries=((AnEntryName="GigaSpawner", EntryWeight=1000.0, NPCsToSpawnStrings=("Gigant_Character_BP_C"))), NPCSpawnLimits=((NPCClassString="...
BigAl_SwagbobOwner Normal version: cheat spawnactortamed "Blueprint'/MeraxesTLC/MeraxesTLC/MeraxesBA_Character_BP.MeraxesBA_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 cheat gmsummon "MeraxesBA_Character_BP_C" 150 Scorched version: cheat spawnactortamed "Blueprint'/MeraxesTLC/MeraxesTLC/Variants/SE/ScorchedMer...
Trainspotting, Giga Raptor, Big Al, and others from the Modding Evolved Discord and everyone on youtube, curseforge, Discord and steam for following my progress and playing with this mod!! Some models were purchased, here's more info below ...
Fan Central Current Hide ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki Others Like You Viewed ARK Survival Evolved Wiki Megalania Argentavis Therizinosaur Rex Top Pages this Week Dragon 1 Broodmother Lysrix 2 Giganotosaurus 3 Megapithecus 4 Wyvern 5 Template:Arkitexure(view source) (protected) ...
Community Crunch 447: Community Creature Winner, LiveOps Update and more an article发表 StudioWildcard到ARK News Survival takes a sharp turn this week as the community-voted winner sinks its claws into the spotlight! With its lightning speed and razor-sharp instincts, this prehistoric predator ...