The benefit of this with this admin command dinos do not need to have a saddle equipped in order to be ridden. But the falloff is that without a saddle you will have a massive reduction in armor. Force Player To Join Target Tribe ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe <player id=""></player>...
So it only has one weapon The Mek initially comes with two main weapons but can also have a module installed that gives it an additional function. In The One Who Waits Explorer Note #24, The Mega Mek was designed to take down Omega level threats, most notably the King Titan. Requires t...
cheat gfi DiplodocusSaddle 1 0 0 ou cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_DiplodocusSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_DiplodocusSaddle'" 1 0 0 Fabrication Composants Détail des ressources[Développer] ...
不过,资料的稀缺并不影响Giga Raptor对迷齿亚纲生物进行二次创作:Giga Raptor是一位新晋的模组作者,而他的方舟地平线模组(ARK Horizon)的第一种生物便是本期要介绍的迷齿螈。在购买Scorching Kami的鱼石螈模型,并在Crysta的指导下,迷齿螈作为作者推出的第一只生物的同时也拥有了可观的质量。 迷齿螈有独立的死亡动画...
(汉化问题,有些名字是我根据翻译自己取的) 虚空海豚 admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Dinos/SpaceDolphin/SpaceDolphin_Character_BP.SpaceDolphin_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35 虚空海豚星翼鞍 cheat GFI SpaceDolphinSaddle 1 41932 方舟生存进化吧 贴吧用户_56yD3M8 有没有哪位大佬能告诉我?
GFI LabyrinthodontiaSaddle 1 0 0 击杀精英迷齿螈可获得chibi 刷新区域: 孤岛:沼泽,河流 焦土:未知 畸变:绿区湖泊 灭绝:地下森林水体 创世纪1:沼泽生态区 创世纪2:伊甸区河岸 其他地图(官方免费DLC):遵循上述刷新规律 迷齿亚纲是一类对于一般古生物爱好者而言非常冷门的生物,关于其的资料也比其他热门古两栖类少...