Our Daedon had 70k food, 6k HP, and wore a 79 armor saddle and we had a rider with a full inventory of cooked meat. Losing the Yuty buff was evident but we defeated her. The Rex I was on which was 91% imprinted to me was down to 2k HP from 36k HP and was wearing a 109 ...
Food 30 × Cooked Meat Jerky, 30 × Prime Meat Jerky Water one Canteen Refill Brews 100 × Medical Brew, 100 × Energy Brew Beispiel: Cheat GiveItemSet 0 ClearMyBuffsClearMyBuffs Cheat: Ja Ziel: Selfseit Version: 281.107 Beschreibung: Attempts to deactivate all of your buffs (works on ...
If you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold downL1, R1, Square, and Triangleat once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down,LB, RB, X, and Yat once. Once the console opens, type in:“cheat GFI Veggie_Rockarrot 1 1 0”and hit enter. For the Rockarrot seed, enter“cheat...
3: 5 Shadow Steak Saute, 5 Enduro Stew, 5 Focal Chili, 5 Lazarus Chowder, 100 Medical Brew, 100 Energy Brew, 100 Cactus Broth, 90 Cooked Meat Jerky Food: 30 Cooked Meat Jerky, 30 Prime Meat Jerky Water: Canteen Refill Brews: 100 Medical Brew, 100 Energy Brew Ark Cheats – Spawn Ite...