图片名称物品生物ID类型modid 高级子弹245弹药- 高级步枪子弹246弹药- 制式狙击步枪子弹AdvancedSniperBullet弹药- 信息素镖AggroTranqDart弹药- 火箭ArrowFlame弹药- 石箭32弹药- 麻醉箭70弹药- 弩箭BallistaArrow弹药- 巨石Boulder弹药- 火炮弹丸CannonBall弹药- ...
New Item: Gas Mask!New Item: Herbivore "TastyCakes"New Item: Chain Bola Ammo for Ballista Turret!New Structure: Retractable Rope Ladders!New Structure: Tree Sap Taps! 分享回复赞 金属吧 非邪Sniper 【资源】三月黑死敲新专辑推荐(十一)这张专辑中的节拍和乐器的变化都比较多,乐手的技术也算是比较好...
All damage dealt by this attack ignores armor, but can be mitigated with a Gas Mask. Only direct impact damage scales by Melee Damage stat. Can be used every 1.1s by a rider, or 9s by AI.Breathe Ice160Ice Wyvern only The Ice Wyvern breathes ice. Targets hit are slown down by 50%...
All damage dealt by this attack ignores armor, but can be mitigated with a Gas Mask. Only direct impact damage scales by Melee Damage stat. Can be used every 1.1s by a rider, or 9s by AI.Breathe Ice160Ice Wyvern only The Ice Wyvern breathes ice. Targets hit are slown down by 50%...
钓鱼的宝箱ID:PrimalInventoryBP_GenericFishing_C 再找个物品ID 机甲护盾模块:PrimalItemArmor_MekBackpack_Shield_C 机甲火箭模块:PrimalItemArmor_MekBackpack_MissilePod_C 机甲重炮模块:PrimalItemArmor_MekBackpack_SiegeCannon_C 未组装的执行者:PrimalItem_Spawner_Enforcer_C ...
Aberration: Prevented ability to place structures directly next to enemy Gas Collectors Aberration: Fixed multiple server crashes PC: Added a notification for manually installed custom cosmetics that need to be updated Xbox: Added a “Save Game” button to the escape menu in Single Pla...
One of the unnamed humanoid Creatures from the ARK 2 trailer appears to be wearing some sort of mask with a Sabertooth-like Skull adorned with feathers, people often mistaken them as a Shadowmane's Skull despite the Shadowmane has razor shark-like fangs while Sabertooths have smooth fangs. ...
Type: clean & stackableConfigurations: via In-Game menu! (optional)Overwrite Engram & Resource Requirements:<click>(optional) Gyrosphere The vehicle acts as a two-user upgrade toSCUBA gearandGas Maskthus the level requirement is above said equipment. ...
钓鱼的宝箱ID:PrimalInventoryBP_GenericFishing_C 再找个物品ID 机甲护盾模块:PrimalItemArmor_MekBackpack_Shield_C 机甲火箭模块:PrimalItemArmor_MekBackpack_MissilePod_C 机甲重炮模块:PrimalItemArmor_MekBackpack_SiegeCannon_C 未组装的执行者:PrimalItem_Spawner_Enforcer_C ...
First, make one gas have the ability to give you and nearby allied players insulation against temperature, and other creatures a damage resistance. This will come into play later. Next, instead of a gas, give it a slow, short ranged projectile that is similar to the mud or snow thrown ...