[PC]新的单人游戏/主机设置:启用飞行器移动速度的提升(您可以通过执行以下操作在非正式游戏上启用该设置:将bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling = True添加到game.ini或-AllowFlyerSpeedLeveling到命令行) 当然,ARK更新2.46的最大前向功能是添加了另外五个Explorer Explorer和Tek Chest V2。自上个月《创世纪纪事2》发布以来,幸...
FlyerSpeedMulti=1.0 DinoHealthMulti=1.0 DinoDamageMulti=1.0 DinoFlyerDamageMulti=1.0 Discord:https://discord.gg/742qzbG
New Single Player/Host Setting: Enable Level Up for Flyer Movement Speed (You can enable the setting on Unofficials by doing the following: adding bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling=True to the game.ini or -AllowFlyerSpeedLeveling to the commandline)v320.57 - 01/06/2021Fixed an exploit that allowed '...
===以下为原文=== v346.16 - 06/23/2022 - Minor version for servers and clients Fixed Fjordhawk not eating tamed corpses on PvE Fixed cases where Desmodus would gain too much movement speed Desmodus speed can now be leveled up with -AllowFlyerSpeedLeveling Fixed an issue where minibosses...
bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling=true//允许恐龙加移速ini参数 这些就需要在面板的自定义GameUserSettings.ini设置栏填入 通过GameUserSettings.ini文件来修改添加MOD的话打开文件在代码 ServerAdminPassword=6664和[ScalabilityGroups]中间输入ActiveMods=xxxxxx,xxxxxx跟面板操作的逻辑一样的如果你要添加多MOD只需要用逗号隔开即可...
Flyer speed nerf had its pros for pve too. Pve does not equal easy mode or creative mode. There are meant to be challenges. This general speed nerf now isnt necessarily a reaction only to issues that came up in pvp. Could very well be that the devs want you to rely more on dinos ...
===以下为原文=== v346.16 - 06/23/2022 - Minor version for servers and clients Fixed Fjordhawk not eating tamed corpses on PvE Fixed cases where Desmodus would gain too much movement speed Desmodus speed can now be leveled up with -AllowFlyerSpeedLeveling Fixed an issue where minibosses...
into the same issue on our server. I've double, triple, quadruple checked the ini files for both GameSettings and just the Game.ini and the code is present in the server file and correct but we cannot level flyer speeds. All of our land and sea creatures can level speed but no ...
bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling Value = boolean Default = false Specifies whether flyer creatures can have their Movement Speed leveled up.Introduced in patch 321.1 CraftingSkillBonusMultiplier Value = float Default = 1.0 A multiplier to modify the bonus received from upgrading the Crafting Skill. Introdu...
bAllowFlyerCarryPvE=False AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=True [SessionSettings] SessionName=You rArk Server's Name [/Script/Engine.GameSession] MaxPlayers=70 [MessageOfTheDay] Message=Your Server's Welcome Message GameUserSettings.ini Setting Descriptions ...