It says provides simple nutrition, regular nutrition, exceptional nutrition etc. Which corrosponds with regular kibble, exceptional kibble and so forth. 128 points Sep 5, 2020 Report Tame low level turtles and you need a medium crop plot to grow the veggies 107 points Sep 20, 2020 Report I ...
Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, and Special. The eggs are used in a recipe to create kibble of a coinciding value, which are:Basic, Simple, Regular, Superior, Exceptional, and Extraordinary.
The sap and prime jerky take all eternity, and a bronto is easy to tame and gives exceptional quality eggs. The rare mushroom is harder to gather than the rare flower for the exceptional kibble too. Tldr, exceptional kibble tames a lot more stuff, and is easier to get than this. Don'...
When Managarmr is unconscious, its food will be down to almost half, and you need to take the exceptional kibble and feed it to the creature to tame it. TIP Once the taming completes, take the kibble out quickly so you can feed it later. Managarmr Saddle You must be level 66 and ...
Eggs are dropped by certain creatures and can be found anywhere they decide to drop one. Currently, they can be used as a food source (players can consume them for large amounts of nourishment), for creating Kibble (a useful item for fast and effective t
Dododex: ARK Survival Evolved评分及评论 4.9(满分 5 分) 142 个评分 LuceFyre,2019/09/15 One complaint For ark mobile players, the Dododex does not show how to make simple, basic, exceptional, superior exc for kibble. I followed the recipe for a type of kibble that I wanted to use for ...
Meat(Raw,Cooked,Jerky) •Prime Meat(Raw,Cooked,Jerky) •Fish Meat(Raw,Cooked) •Prime Fish Meat(Raw,Cooked) •Raw Mutton•Cooked Lamb Chop•Spoiled Meat Kibble Base Basic•Simple•Regular•Superior•Exceptional•Extraordinary ...
KibbleBase Basic • Simple • Regular • Superior • Exceptional • ExtraordinaryAugmented Basic • Simple • Regular • Superior • Exceptional • ExtraordinaryEgg-based Allosaurus • Ankylo • Araneo • Archaeopteryx • Argentavis • Baryonyx • Bronto • Camelsaurus • ...
If you have a bad memory like me, Dododex will be your best friend. I make kibble a lot and always forget the recipes and how to get the eggs for it. Here’s a scenario, let’s say you need to make exceptional kibble for some reason. In order to make it you need special eggs,...
For anyone else wondering the above, I think I answered my own question, as I tried to make exceptional kibble using the standard recipe and a cooking pot and it would not create one. So, I guess the newer recipes are not on mobile and you DO have to create the egg-specific ones ...