Round up your tribes and cast your vote for the next creature to be added to ARK! *Multiple votes are automatically deleted/disqualified. Only one vote will be registered CAST YOUR VOTE Ragnarok, a popular community ARK Expansion Map, makes it...
Creature IDs are used to spawn a creature using in the Summon command. Our database provides a list of all creature IDs. All Creature IDs Creature IDs by DLC BaseScorched EarthAberrationExtinctionGenesis: Part 1Genesis: Part 2The CenterRagnarokValgueroCrystal IslesLost IslandFjordur ...
How to summon dinosaurs with creature IDs If you're not playing Ark for the dinosaurs—well, frankly, I'm confused. If you're feeling underserved on the dinosaur front, these cheats will help. These cheats summon a specified creature, either tamed or untamed, using its creature ID. For Ar...
Dino classnames can be found on the Creature IDs page.Introduced in patch 194.0 PreventTransferForClassName="<classname>" classname = string Prevents transfer of specific dinosaurs via classname. E.g. PreventTransferForClassName="Argent_Character_BP_C"Dino classnames can be found on the Creature ...
All ASA Scorched Earth Creatures and Dinosaur IDs A full list of every creature you can encounter inScorched EarthinArk: Survival Ascendedcan be found below, including whether they can be tamed and ridden.
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Ragnarok deep sea drops can contain yuty sad bps 2 points Aug 17, 2024 Report Why is this under a ceratosaurus dododex has to fix this. 19 points Nov 7, 2021 Report The yuty is a… unpredictable creature of the ark. Though, once tamed, they’re an unstoppable force of power, especia...
In the swamp (in Ragnarok for me at least) i found a really big tree which you can't harvest, and you can collect sap from it. Very useful for me as i don't want to go to the redwoods. I think it was very useful!!! Btw, the tree is on the northern side of the swamp in...
在ARK能找到兩種不同的洞窟:探險洞窟及資源洞窟,資源洞窟通常在水底能夠找到,部分的洞窟容易探索,有些則非常險峻。然而,在險峻的洞窟中探索,當中往往有許多獎勵道具 目前島上擁有12個資源洞窟,大多都是在水下發現,這些洞窟都不容易發現,但通常都有大量的含矽珍珠及
Template:DLCIcon(view source) Template:Distinguish(view source) (semi-protected) Template:Do for every creature(view source) (semi-protected) Template:DossierImage(view source) (protected) Template:DossierText(view source) Template:Duration(view source) ...