Propulser Field protects you from fall damage. Has its own engram entry so it can be overridden or hidden. Has INI option disable the Propulser Field. -ASR Small/Large Hitching Posts - Stone tier auto-hitching posts for your tames. Small has 3 foundation range, Large has range of 10. H...
AllowHideDamageSourceFromLogs=True RandomSupplyCratePoints=False DisableWeatherFog=False AdminLogging=False bForceCanRideFliers=True FastDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures=False OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention=False PreventOfflinePvP=False AllowAnyoneBabyImprintCuddle=True DisableImprintDinoBuff=True PvPDinoDecay=True ...
StructureDamageMultiplier Value is a Float and Default is 1 Modifies damage structures deal with their attacks eg spiked walls and turrets). The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it. ...
Enable/Disable Cryopod cooldown timer when deploying a creature. If false, deployed creatures do not experience cryosickness.Introduced in patch 307.56 EnableCryopodNerf boolean false Enable/Disable Cryosickness when deploying a creature. The following settings need to be set also: CryopodNerfDamageMul...
- KentroUseIncomingDamageAsReturn:如果设置为true,刺甲龙只会返回受到的伤害量。 - DisableStegoImpale:禁用剑龙的刺击能力。 - DisableShadowmaneDismount:禁用影狮的卸下玩家能力。 - AddArmorToLavaGolemLootSet:在熔岩巨人的战利品中添加防具。 - LavaGolemLootMaxInventoryWeight:熔岩巨人战利品的最大库存重量。
ARK: Survival Evolved v2.0.26(Latest Version) ► Updated: June 20, 2022 ► What's New in Version 2.0.26: - Structures can no longer be placed in the Volcano Crater on Official PvE servers - "Disable Building in Volcano Crater (PvE)" option added to Unofficial Server web interface ...
The structure limit for the Mammoth Side Saddle is 90. The Mammoth can also use its trunk to absorb water, then spray it. This is useful to move many Creatures, to disable electrical systems or held/thrown Torch, to irrigate Crops and reservoirs, to remove Leech, to remove Coloring from ...
Health should also be considered if the creature that is to be tamed is also aggressive and powerful and thus an Argent must be able to tank damage taken for a period of time.) Miner Mount: With high base and acquired carrying capacity and Weight reduction multipliers, the Argentavis is arg...
2024-01-30:Another small update that adds some INI configuration options to enable/disable breeding and set a damage multiplier (0.1-1.0) for the global damage of gryphons. You can add these settings to your GameUserSettings.ini, with the below being the defaults. ...
DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="Gorilla_Character_BP_TheCenter_C",Multiplier=0.04) DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard_Ragnarok_C",Multiplier=0.04) DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium_Ragnarok_C",Multiplier=0.04) DinoClassDamageMulti...