GMSummon — Spawns a tamed creature of a set level GiveDinoSet — Spawns set of dinos with saddles. Tier options can be entered as a number or word, as follows: 0— Raptor, Dilo, Trike 1— Raptor, Carnotaurus, Thylacoleo 2— Rex, Spino, Paracer, Therizinosaur 3— Rex, Rex with ...
DinoID is the long string of numbers that each dino has, it is seperated into 2 different numbers when the dino is exported. Now given the command would need to be used with-in the game rather than remotely a way to copy the dinoID or look up the DinoID would be very useful. I....
Also, as mentioned in the "Specimen Observation Record" forum, if you go into "Edit Profile", scroll to the bottom to the "Terminal Command Line" field (yes, its back), put in the code 129d6915-b24e-4dec-963a-08fbde6cc6d6 , and save, you will get the "Genesis Mysterious...
SetTargetDinoColor Dino Inflate GiveDinoSet Dino DestroyCenterNode Dino InfiniteFuel Dino DestroyLeftNode Dino InfiniteGas Dino NoHeat DinoSet EatTime RainCritters RainDanger Dino ToggleUpkeep DinoSet Inflate DumpDinoStats ForceTame RainDinos SpawnSetupDino SDF GMSummon Dino DestroyRightNode Dino TitanMod...
Will remove the player from the current game server based on the ID entered into the command input bar. Kill Kill This command will instantaneously kill the targeting dino/creature,building, player or structure that is within your crosshair. It should be noted that when this command is used a...
To add a new species click the big add button. Set a category name, the species and any other filters you would like then click add. Filters can be draggedaround in the list to re-order or change categories. While ingame, use the commandsaveworldto force the game to save - Larkator...
SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> - Sets targeted dino to specified color SpawnDino <BlueprintPath> <SpawnDistance> <SpawnYOffset> >ZOffset> <DinoLevel> - Spawns leveled dino Summon <type> - Spawns creature or Beacon to the current player's locat...
generate the code required to customize the Character & Dino leveling system, along with Engram Points. This will make modding your Ark: Survival Evolved Dedicated Server a lot faster and easier. This tool also includes the code to automatically set the Maximum Xp limits for both P...
Once the Carcharodontosaurus has killed another dino, it will get a speed buff. Weakness LIke Giganotosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus is also a poor swimmer, additionally, Wild Carcharodontosaurus's bite does not inflict Gnashed effect and it deal less damage than Giganotosaurus at same level, it ...
you can ensure optimal stamina levels for your prehistoric companions. Don’t let fatigue hinder your dino adventures. Take control of their endurance and enhance your dinosaur-following experience. Let’s dive into these stamina management tips and unleash the full potential of your dinosaur pack....