Sick of spending hours on end searching for that elusive high level dino? Do you love the Island map, but hate how heavily skewed the dino levels are toward the low end? This mod fixes those issues by altering dino level distributions and gives you the ability to choose from having ...
-Any mod that edits creatures, or adds them. -Custom Dino Levels. -Der Dino Finder. (It causes almost unplayable lag). For questions, help, suggestions, an update roadmap, and more, the best place is the discord! Hexen's ModsCurseForge...
// Super Spyglass Plus: Solo Farm: WEBSITE DISCORD https://...
恐龙,皮肤,地图mod起源【Annunaki Genesis】麒麟【CV s Dragon God Mod】玩家扮演恐龙【Play As Dino!】可驯服精英龙【Wild ARK: Tamable Alphas+】小火龙【Small Dragons】多色恐龙插件【Dino Colors Plus】野人[NPC Bush Peoples】霸王龙盔甲【Pimp My Rex】影迷服饰【Fandom Fineries恐龙盔甲【Pimp My Dino】魔...
ARK Survival Evolved application that monitors and extracts data from local ARK servers and exposes this data through a Web App, Web API and Discord Bot. Provides important functions to players: dino listings, food-status, breeding info, statistics; and
Please note, I have created a tool here that allows you to enter the level,xp, and engram data for player progression, as well as level and xp data for dino progression, here:Custom Character & Dino Levels Tool. This tool will also automatically generate the code required for the max xp...
ARK ABYSS Dino expand 深渊生物扩展 2 是一个方舟生存进化的mod。它引入了一些新的深渊生物,为游戏增加了更多的挑战和内容。这个mod的使用方法如下: 1. 首先,在Steam创意工坊中搜索并订阅该mod。 2. 安装完订阅后,启动游戏,并在主菜单中选择"Mod"选项。
ARK ABYSS Dino expand 深渊生物扩展 3 是一款方舟生存进化的mod。这个mod为游戏添加了新的深渊生物和其他功能。玩家可以通过使用mod ID:2945823428来下载和安装这个mod。 使用这个mod,玩家可以探索深渊,并与新的生物互动。mod中添加的深渊生物包括巨型鱼类、水母和其他奇特的生物。这些生物有着独特的外观和行为,为游戏...
16th August, 2020 ADDITIONS Added Alpha Tropeo which shoots out rocket penguins (requires grenades as ammo. CI only or any custom map that adds tropeo spawners). Knock out tame Added Fabled Tropeo which shoots out demonic monkey poop (required as ammo. C
I've wiped a couple times and waited around 45 mins to check again while I did something else and just stood in my base. The custom dino levels mod doesn't seem to be working either. From the comments it looks like it hasn't worked for a few updates now. Anyone get higher l...