cheatghost:穿墙模式 cheatwalk:关闭穿墙模式 生物相关命令: cheatSetTargetDinoColor<区域><颜色编号>:给当前目标染色 cheatForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe<玩家名>:将指定玩家加入目标部落 cheatAddExperience<经验值><是否为共享经验>:增加经验值 cheatsetbabyage<百分比>:设置宝宝生长进度 cheatslay<...
在方舟进化生存里面有一个代码可以同时给自己和恐龙加经验,那就是admincheat addExperience 651656156511 0 0 0,注意这个三个0中间是有空格的,用这个代码的时候,给玩家自己加经验就直接按加经验的代码, 如果想给自己的龙加经验,需要骑在龙的身上再加经验的代码就可以了。 方舟生存进化是一款全球知名的生存游戏,游戏...
AdminCheatGhostNoclip,walkthroughwalls/objects.穿墙模式 AdminCheatForceTameInstantlytamesaDino.Canridewithoutsaddle.强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令) AdminCheatAddExperience1000001Givesyourself1000XP给自己经验值1000(可改其它值) -AddExperience(valueforfirstnumber)(toggleoptioninrelationtotribe)(Secondtoggle)(...
强迫驯化恐龙(瞧著要驯的恐龙挨那指令)AdminCheat AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself 1000 XP 给本人履历值 1000(可改别的值)-AddExperience (value for first number) (toggle option in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (third toggle) so in total there should be 4 separate numbers.Admin...
以下是PS4/5版方舟确定能用的控制台代码,包括了一些常用的作弊码和生物代码:1. 强制驯化恐龙:ForceTame Instantly tames a Dino。可以骑乘无需鞍。输入该指令即可实现瞬间驯服恐龙的效果。2. AdDexperience [amount] 0 0 1 Gives yourse...:增加经验值。将[amount]替换为你想要获得的经验的数量,然后按下相应按...
setcheatplayer false When "true" is entered cheat commands are enabled and when "false" is entered cheat commands are disabled. Add Experience admincheat addexperience <how much="" to="" add=""><from tribe="" share=""></from></how> <prevent sharing="" with="" tribe="" (1=""...
穿墙模式 AdminCheat ForceTame Instantly tames a Dino. Can ride without saddle. 强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令) AdminCheat AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself 1000 XP 给自己经 验值 1000(可改其它值) -AddExperience (value for first number) (toggle option in relation to tribe) (...
DossierBeelzebufoHelenaDead Islandcheat setplayerpos 251200 -281600 -14000 DossierBrontosaurusHelenacheat setplayerpos -263200 -147200 -9000 DossierCarbonemysHelenaUnderwater Cavecheat setplayerpos -76800 -312800 -40000 DossierCarnotaurusHelenacheat setplayerpos -72000 -133600 2100 ...
I've lost 20 levels, when i use the "cheat addexperience 35329 0 1" it converts my single playerxp levels to mulitplayer levels and only gives me like 3 levels instead of 20. I need 70658xpto get back to where I was. How do I use this command in single and retain single player...
admincheat forcetame Tames dinosaur admincheat forcetame Will tame dino/creature under player's crosshairs. See here for a list of creatures that can be tamed. Using this command will also enable you to ride the creature without a Saddle. admincheat addexperience <amount> 0 <sharetribe> Adds...