LIMITED ONE-TIME CONTEST: The Center Boss Fight! For Official server The Center players, we're giving away $500 to the first Xbox tribe to beat both bosses on an OfficialPVPserver. Screenshot proof of the pause menu in the boss arena including server name, as well as the items rece...
Megapithecus is one of the boss monsters you’ll face against inArk Valguero.This creature resembles an oversized modern gorilla with thick fur and dark silver skin. Apart from Valguero, it can also be found on The Island and The Center maps. The Megapithecus may be found in three variant...
The Center features an arena where both Broodmother and Megapithecus must be defeated at the same time. Likewise, Ragnarok features an arena where both the Manticore and the Dragon must also be defeated together. The Forsaken Oasis is a boss arena featured in the DLC: Valguero where survivors...
In particular, one boss to defeat in ARK is Broodmother Lysrix, which you can find on The Island and The Center maps. Broodmother Lysrix Location and Tribute Requirements Before version 239.0, you can locate the Broodmother Lysrix walking on the overworld. After that patch, you can now ...
There's a lot going on in January, as Amazon just announced a huge bot banwave which affected the game's concurrent player stats, and next week brings the Witcher crossover event, featuring a brand new island with quests and characters from the franchise, not to mention the cosmetics (in...
The Dragon Arena, also known as Nerva Volcano is an arena for fighting the Dragon boss. The Temperatures are 45 °C / 113 °F so bring good hyperthermal protection. Calien Soup is highly recommended! The Dragon Arena itself is located beneath the red ob
Relatively low system requirements Valheim Read more V Rising Release date: 2022-05-17 Genre: Survival Developer: Stunlock Studios In a way, the most odd-one-out entry on the list, but it might strike your fancy, if what drew you to ARK were ...
Gold requirements for honing up to Item Level 1445 have been removed, and will now just require honing materials and Silver. We’ve also increased the Honing Success Rate, Honing Material Discounts, and Leapstone Material Discounts. Item Level 1340 to 1370: Honing Success Rate - 100% Honi...
Failure to do so will cause the titan to be brought back to the center and he will restore health.As a general rule of thumb it would be advised to bring Medical Brews and Custom Consumables optimized for health gain in the event that you get caught in the fire left by meteor impacts....
The Center Boss Fight Contest! For Official server The Center players, we're giving away $1000 cash, $500 to the first Xbox tribe and another $500 to the first PC tribe to beat both bosses on an Official PVP server. Screenshot proof of the pause menu in the boss arena including ...