Two new admin commands: cheat drainwater <number> and cheat drainfood <number> Fixed a bug where the Dedicated Storage Box would ignore stack modifiers in server config files Fixed a bug where caused Plant Z to no longer heal dinos Fixed a bug where Soap would remove textures from some ...
Bring centre boss tribute costs in line with island costs. 问题回复 MalarOpossum867的Seruum,在分类 Game Suggestions On the other custom maps (Valguero, Crystal Isles, and Lost Island), the boss arena requires different Artifacts for different difficulties, which I still think makes 2/3 of the...
Fixed dinos teleporting to the incorrect location after SE boss fight in Single Player (Teleport location: -302537 -44644 53371) v355.3 - 12/14/2022 - Major version for servers and clients Winter Wonderland 6 is live! This event can be manually activated with the server arg pa...