Easiest way of gathering stone as a beginner is to use an axe on large or small stones. 40 pointsJan 12, 2022Report If you can’t find stone go to an eye doctor 12 pointsJan 12, 2024Report Dunk is secretly #1 stone gatherer
2.iguana What is the best first 5 dinos in ark? The best first 5 dinos in ARK are the first 5 dino's you can get, no matter what they are. If you think it's super important to tame a raptor, and that means you pass up an opportunity to tame a decent mid-to-high-le...
This spiky dino that has a club for a tail is capable of gathering huge amounts of metal (which is the most important material that you’ll need in abundance), crystal, and flint. It’s really easy to tame as it moves slowly. It also has decent amounts of health so you can use i...
Ark: Evolved dinosaurs play an important role in making it through the game from finding the right one to help you explore easier, to finding a good one to help you gather all those berries. With all the choices there are, it can be hard finding which dinosaurs are the best to use dur...
If you have a wyvern or argy, easiest way I found to tame is to set up a taming pen, 2x4 with single door frames on the first level, walls on the second(stone), with a Dino gate on one end. Go pick up your dragon of choice and drop it in! Super easy and quick. 12 points...
Welcome to the SurviveTheArk forums Dino tier list! Before we get into the rankings, here are some ground rules and information on the process of rankings! Rankings go from S tier down to F tier. S tier being the best in that environment and F tier being
Siege Engine: As one of the few tameable land-based Dino capable of destroying Stone structures, it is logical to employ this beast upon your enemies. So long as it is kept calm, The Giganotosaurus can level months of work in mere minutes. Meat farmer: The Giga is very arguably the b...
This reduces, and may even eliminate the need to land on the ground while gathering wood, making the process much safer. Travel: With the weight reduction on natural resources such as fiber, stone, thatch, and wood, the beaver could come in handy when you're resource hunting. That along ...
The Isle is a game which lets you live your best life as a dino, aging from a tiny hatchling to adulthood through distinct phases. The game includes a large range of species, from tiny ones to the colossi looming majestically over the landscape....
Timber Jack: While capable of gathering most of the standard resources that other Herbivores can harvest (such as Berries and Seeds), though incapable of gathering Fiber, the Mammoth particularly excels in harvesting Thatch and Wood. Now considered one of the best, if not the best, tree cutter...