bAutoUnlockAllEngrams=<value> Value = boolean(true/false)Default = false unlocks all Engrams available. -Ignores OverrideEngramEntries and OverrideNamedEngramEntries entries. introduced in patch 273.62 EngramEntryAutoUnlocks=(EngramClassName="<index>",LevelToAutoUnlock=<value>) index text Engram...
Current maps: Aberration Scorched Earth The Island The Center Extinction (On drop) Rates: 5x Harvest 10x Taming 2xXP 10x Maturation The tribe limit is 6 people. Fast Crafting (Normal bonus though) 3x Dino Weight and Stamina 3x Player Weight Items stack to 1,000...
bAutoUnlockAllEngrams=<value> Value = boolean(true/false)Default = false unlocks all Engrams available. -Ignores OverrideEngramEntries and OverrideNamedEngramEntries entries. introduced in patch 273.62 EngramEntryAutoUnlocks=(EngramClassName="<index>",LevelToAutoUnlock=<value>) index text Engram...
Pug bug repellant inside, and it poops out ants for you to kill and harvest. Recommended to put it in a metal box with a couple of aggressive frogs. They kill and harvest the ants, and the auto sorting system keeps them empty and resources put away.-...
With over 200 structures and recipes, it offers conveniences such as a Mind Wipe that retains learned engrams, the ability to reset your tame's stats if mistakenly allocated, and recipes for converting Organic Polymer to standard Polymer. Additionally, players can grind resources to craft items ...
杀去世一切的恐龙,过一会会新生进去GiveEngrams unlocks all crafting recipes for your character -* Bugged - You cant craft these recipes 开启一切蓝图 (今朝此功效有成绩)AdminCheat HurtMe Deals damage to yourself 中伤本人(他杀)ToggleGun T 7、oggles visibility of current equipped item 以后拆备物品...
Then from left to right, row after row, count the engrams. 1, 2, 3, etc. Ya, I know, but that is the way it is. Also note that if the developers add an engram in an update, you can just start counting all over again! The same is true if you add a mod with custom en...
GiveEngramsunlocksallcraftingrecipesforyourcharacter-*Bugged-Youcan'tcrafttheserecipes开启所有蓝图(目前此功能有问题) AdminCheatHurtMeDealsdamagetoyourself伤害自己(自杀) ToggleGunTogglesvisibilityofcurrentequippeditem当前装备物品隐形开/关 AdminCheatSetTimeOfDayChangestimeofday设定时间(后面要加时间如settimeofday04:00...
GiveEngramsunlocksallcraftingrecipesforyourcharacter-*Bugged-Youcan'tcrafttheserecipes开启所有蓝图(目前此功能有问题) AdminCheatHurtMeDealsdamagetoyourself伤害自己(自杀) ToggleGunTogglesvisibilityofcurrentequippeditem当前装备物品隐形开/关 AdminCheatSetTimeOfDayChangestimeofday设定时间(后面要加时间如settimeofday04:00...
The Island, Scorched Earth Other maps will be added as Ark ASA progresses. Mod maps added once server populates- Forglar, Amissa 📃SERVER LISTINGS📃 ARK_EMINENCE_ASCENDED_TI ARK_EMINENCE_ASCENDED_SE 🟣🟣CLUSTER FEATURES🟣🟣 💠Infinite Weight 💠Admin shop 💠Auto Engrams 💠Player ...