I've been on this server roughly about 3 weeks, in this time I haven't seen my neighbours yet but I have noticed their sap taps, they have built some kind of ladder to reach the tap, however my crab has become quite adept and jumping and landing exactly on the tap, im sure they ...
Bring a cryopoded megatherium for this cave, AND a gas mask. To craft a gas mask, you need absorbant substrate. You will need sap for this. To get sap, craft a sap tap and place it on a big, fat tree, prefably at redwoods. BRING MORE THAN ONE GAS MASK!!! THEY TAKE DAMAGE OV...
As aberration was unplayable for me on xbox b4 ASA, I was not aware that my peak of human kind survivor forgot how to build a tree platform on the way over. Can I at least have the ability to put a sap tap in a reasonably reachable location since current, not peak of human existenc...
tree sap tap only has 20 but sap stacks to 30? 问题回复AnantaBoga的ughhhhh,在分类Game Suggestions Cant a stack mod for consumables already fix that most gfi works well, but far warning I think I gfi commanded 500 honey or 100k and I crashed so def don’t gfi honey probably higher than...
- Made improvements to issue where Desert Titan would randomly fly away - Fixed stat reset when downloaded on a server - Wild Titans now deal 5x dmg to tamed Titans - Accumulated damage during Titan boss fight now determines quality of titan tame (was previously health at tame time) - Added...
287.103 - server only - Fix for saddle dupe method 287.102 - Fix for Mek damage bug that was caused by low server FPS - Fix for some timeout false positives to servers 287.100 Titans - Increased rate of starvation by approximately 3x - Prevented all Tita
287.103 - server only - Fix for saddle dupe method 287.102 - Fix for Mek damage bug that was caused by low server FPS - Fix for some timeout false positives to servers 287.100 Titans - Increased rate of starvation by approximately 3x - Prevented all Tita