特徵 ARK: Survival Ascended 完全重新創建和重新設計了 ARK 的美術作品和世界,以利用最新的視頻遊戲技術虛幻引擎 5,使用高端圖形功能,例如全動態全局照明(“流明”),使光線從表面真實地反彈,並提供真實的反射,以及數億個三角形的高級網格流(“Nanite”),以實現極致的細節。 先進的新物理系統,例如動態水,每個生物...
Introductie van de volgende Fantastic Tame in ARK: Survival Ascended: the Dreadmare! Gehuld in duisternis en waarover in legendes wordt gefluisterd, is de Dreadmare een wezen vol mythen en nachtmerries. Met zijn schimmige vleugels en beschadigde hoorn roept hij een huiveringwekkend gevoel ...
Hardis the bestdifficultyfor a single-player server inArk: Survival Ascended. It’s better than Easy and Medium because the other two are far too easy, even for newcomers. You can also prevent Hard from being too difficult byfine-tuning individual settingsto the ones listed below. Player sett...
20,308次查看 Community Crunch 446: Community Creature Vote, Astraeos Update, and more! 二月22 作者:StudioWildcard 68 条讨论 38,733次查看 Community Crunch 445: Astraeos, Love Ascended, and more! 二月15 作者:StudioWildcard 29 条讨论
bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock Restart your computer afterward. Launch ARK: Survival Ascended again to see if its FPS is boosted. If the problem remains, please move on. 3. Modify in-game graphics settings If the FPS in your ARK: Survival Ascended remains low, you can try some in-...
<ExecutableName>ArkAscended</ExecutableName> <BuildConfiguration>Shipping</BuildConfiguration> <GameSessionID></GameSessionID> <PlatformName>Windows</PlatformName> <PlatformNameIni>Windows</PlatformNameIni> <EngineMode>Game</EngineMode> <EngineModeEx>Unset</EngineModeEx> <DeploymentName></DeploymentN...
Solved: A770 8GB randomly crash playing ARK Ascended. 3 551039CC4E3CF339F21AF2B59B53EA04 UECC-Windows-BCED7AE84C5F3228F1ABE5972D0C7AB9_0000 false
Want to change something with the mod? Likely there is an option for what you are looking for in the admin menu which offers tons of options to disable various systems, change inventory settings on the fly, or change the fuel type that the pantry uses. ...
The Quetzal's platform saddle make it an excellent choice for a mobile air base or even a caravan for transporting and gathering metal and other supplies on harder to reach areas. While its melee strength isn't as high as some might expect, its health and ability to carry weapons make it...
AquaticRideablePlatform SaddleTek SaddleTamableKnockout TamingCarnivoresBattle CreaturesPack MulesFast CreaturesBreedableMidgameARK: Survival AscendedARK: Survival Evolved MAPS The IslandThe CenterScorched EarthRagnarokValgueroAberrationExtinctionGenesisCrystal IslesGenesis Part 2Lost IslandFjordurAstraeosARK: Ultimate...