XP 3× Maturation 3× Egg Hatch 0.5× Mating Interval 0.6× Cuddle Interval 3× Imprint Small Tribes Since1 day ago 5.5× Taming 5.5× Harvest 5.5× XP 5× Maturation 5× Egg Hatch 0.5× Mating Interval 0.6× Cuddle Interval 5×
Carcharodontosaurus Rex Argentavis Therizinosaurus Pteranodon Ankylosaurus Castoroides Spinosaurus Doedicurus Achatina Griffin All Creatures Kibble Basic Kibble Simple Kibble Regular Kibble Superior Kibble Exceptional Kibble Extraordinary Kibble Kibble List
legacy patchnotes moved to reply below 3 5 7月 9Dolliechanged the title toASA PC Patch Notes: Client v48.23 - Server: v48.16 (Updated: 07/08/2024) Server 48.8/Steam client 48.7/PS5 48.4 - 07/03/2024 Summer Bash Event is live! v9 Mod ID: 927091**--Unofficial server own...
• Supreme Is a work in progress. Feel free to visit our discord to provide suggestions or offer feedback on ways to enhance the mod! Discord Join the discord to see all the patchnotes or to report bugs or give suggestions ETC!
1 hidev·d·ePrimal Fear There are tools and items that are added withPrimal Fearto allow players to work up the tiers to become the ultimate survivor. Ammo Arrows Stone:Potent Tranq•Toxic Tranq Metal:Primal Metal•Primal Incendiary•Primal Frag•Potent Tranq•Toxic Tranq•Alpha Tranq...
Important Notes / Installation: Please start a new game to play this mod. It is not compatible with old game settings. To create a new singleplayer game, simply go into your steam folder and back up the folder called TheIsland_WP. Then you can safely delete your save game in-game and...
Best base locations in Ark Survival Ascended We have pinpointed some of the best base locations: short flying distances from resources, flat ground to build on, decent natural defense, and do not block explorer notes and artifact entrances. ...
• Admin commands (cheats), engram calculator, breeding times, breeding calculator, recipes and dyes, kibble recipes, patchnotes for all playable platforms • Ark: Survival Evolved | Ascended maps for cave locations, creature spawns, resources and explorer notes • Available in different language...
• Admin commands (cheats), engram calculator, breeding times, breeding calculator, recipes and dyes, kibble recipes, patchnotes for all playable platforms • Ark: Survival Evolved | Ascended maps for cave locations, creature spawns, resources and explorer notes • Available in different language...
legacy patchnotes moved to reply below 3 5 7月 9Dolliechanged the title toASA PC Patch Notes: Client v48.23 - Server: v48.16 (Updated: 07/08/2024) Server 48.8/Steam client 48.7/PS5 48.4 - 07/03/2024 Summer Bash Event is live! v9 Mod ID: 927091**--Unofficial server own...