Metal Irrigation Pipe - Vertical Metal Ladder Metal Ocean Platform Metal Pillar Metal Railing Metal Ramp Metal Shield Metal Sign Metal Spike Wall Metal Staircase Metal Stairs Metal Trapdoor Metal Tree Platform Metal Triangle Ceiling Metal Triangle Foundation Metal Triangle Roof Metal Wall Metal Wall Sign...
Metal Billboard Fixed hit markers not displaying when successfully damaging enemy structures with an Arthropleura Adjusted the Decor box structure so that it no longer blocks shots or turrets when standing inside of it Fixed an issues where the player would retain the Tek Forcefield buff after ...
“What?!” Erica said, “He’s having a breakdown Erica, and he isn’t faking it. And what it’s from that I’ve seen is believing that we weren’t and threatening to shoot us. He’s alone, and to be honest I don’t think it’s safe to leave him. Plus, he may have ...
Once we have that, we’ll go down into the jungle by the wall and set up a temporary camp.” As the patrol heads over to where the dead raptors are lying on the metal platform, Henry has spotted something unusual sticking up out of the ground nearby. “What is that thing?” he ...
Xbox is waiting on the client so you wont see all of these until the client passes Fear Ascended Mod v8: Fixed the inability to open Zombie Wyvern or Zomdodos inventory Prevented unlocking Pumpkin, Scarecrow and Gravestone as a cosmetic Pumpkin, Scarecrow and Gravestone that were p...
appreciate the new images. but would like the option to use either the old thatch style for roofs and floors as well as the proposed new. I like the fluffier style because it reminds me of ancient rooftops like you might find in jolly old england. the flatter texture might be great for...
- Reduced the weight of various resources by up to 50% (Obsidian, Metal, Metal Ingot, Polymer, and Stone) Dino TLC - Parasaur! - Receives a sound tweak and some new abilities: - Alarm mode Can be put in turret mode and check for nearby threats ...
Current ARK Official PS4 Server Network Servers Version: v716.1 Current ARK Official Client Version: v716.1 v716.3 - 09/29/2023 - Minor version for servers Evolved Sequence Completed : Ascension Imminent : ARK Survival Ascended Respawn Timer Initiated :
Added Thatch Roof Corner Reduced the default Cryofridge activation timer from 300 seconds to 90 seconds Unofficial servers can configure this timer in GameUserSettings.ini CryopodFridgeCooldowntime=90 Made improvements to creature following so they are less likely walk into the player and...
Added Thatch Roof Corner Reduced the default Cryofridge activation timer from 300 seconds to 90 seconds Unofficial servers can configure this timer in GameUserSettings.ini CryopodFridgeCooldowntime=90 Made improvements to creature following so they are less likely walk into the player an...