Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a pteranodon. 667 points 🥚 Taming & KO Dec 18, 2023 Report How to tame: Step 1:Bola the ptera. Step 2:Club it. Step 3:Feed meat Step 4:Cry in sadness and grief at the fact that you need level 38 for a saddle and you are level...
0 points 🥚 Taming & KO 2 weeks ago Report How to tame a parasaur 1. Upgrade your speed or craft a few bolas and a bat 2. Collect ALOT of berries 3. Find your parasaur 4. Throw your bola at it 5. Hit it until it's unconscious 6. Feed it the berries and also feed it nar...
Ark: Survival Ascendedis all about taming dinosaurs, and each dinosaur has its own unique set of traits. These traits can range from the ability to gather stones to being able to have a base built on their backs! I’ll tell you everything you need to know about taming in ASA below. R...
Taming Multiplier % Tribe Tower Taming Speed Bonus Taming Multiplier to use on Dododex: 1.20 ARK: Survival Ascended’s Difficulty Presets ARK: Survival Ascended has difficulty presets that simply select multipliers for you, as seen in the table above. If you want to set everything to 1, ...
Once you spot the Amargasaurus, consume Calien Soup, wait for 15 seconds and then go towards it. Go close to the creature and pressEto sync temperatures to tame it. When the creature starts following you, start killing naturally aggressive creatures with your shotgun to increase your taming ba...
We’re going to recap some of the information we’ve shared regarding ARK: Survival Ascended in this crunch, along with touching on some topics that haven’t been covered and expanding on some that have! If you’ve been following along for the last few months, you migh...
This is coming from a player who still refuses to play ARK Ascended. Meaning I CAN wait until Extinction, and, even if I do, in fact, start ARK Ascended, I will NEVER play on official servers (have you seen how many cheaters there are!?!) 七月29, 2024 29 条回复 Bring Back Old...
We are thrilled about the arrival of all the community-voted creatures in ARK: Survival Ascended and can't wait to see how they integrate with the diverse wildlife on the existing maps! To recap previous announcements, we have taken save games from the Official Network and have provided the ...
Humans can pose a potentially very large threat, depending on how high of a level they are but even then, some players of low levels can somehow pull off end game tames and steal supplies from high level players and stashes. More experienced players have access to strong weapons, such as...
A low ping (also known as “latency”) on the server and player side will increase the fun of exploring the huge dinosaur world. From a server perspective, the upload value (“uplink” or “upstream”) is crucial. The more upload speed your server has available per player, the faster ...