Elevate your server management with the Ark Ascended Server Manager. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual setups and updates! Here are SOME more (BUT NOT ALL) features and updates! Compatibility and Customization: Full support for "Scorched Earth" and other DLC maps. ...
通过GameUserSettings.ini文件来修改添加MOD的话打开文件在代码 ServerAdminPassword=6664和[ScalabilityGroups]中间输入ActiveMods=xxxxxx,xxxxxx跟面板操作的逻辑一样的如果你要添加多MOD只需要用逗号隔开即可,通过这个方式改的需要在steam面板找到ARk Survival Ascended Dedicated Server 右键属性---通用---高级用户可以选...
以上信息来源于ARK Ascended News,后续实际发布时间以官方消息为准。 闪光少女... 22:02 71 【方舟1.5生存飞升】官方更新日志汇总贴 99ARK 该贴用于汇总更新方舟官方(通配符)的日志和翻译 99ARK 1-18 0 【方舟1.5生存飞升】BOSS详情泰克解锁-(孤岛篇) 闪光少女... 以上结果为官方信息与服务器/单机...
以上信息来源于ARK Ascended News,后续实际发布时间以官方消息为准。 闪光少女... 16:42 42 【方舟1.5生存飞升】官方更新日志汇总贴 99ARK 该贴用于汇总更新方舟官方(通配符)的日志和翻译 99ARK 11:10 0 【方舟1.5生存飞升】BOSS详情泰克解锁-(孤岛篇) 闪光少女... 以上结果为官方信息与服务器/单机...
Overall, by generating a GameUserSettings.ini file for Ark Survival Evolved that includes these settings, we can make the game more enjoyable and challenging for players.Generate GameUserSettings.ini file for ark survival ascended (Work in progress) ...
You can add these settings to your GameUserSettings.ini, with the below being the defaults. [Colossuscorpius] ColossuscorpiusBreeding=True ColossuscorpiusDamageMultiplier=1.0 2024-01-10: I just approved an update that will change the following; Now prefers Exceptional Kibble, matching its size ...
NOTE: This mod is not designed to play nice with ItemStackSizeMultiplier in gameusersettings.ini being anything other than 1. If your server uses a multiplier at present, the mod will let you know (you won't be able to configure it, a warning will pop up). Don't worry tho, as soon...
<GameName>UE-ShooterGame</GameName> <ExecutableName>ArkAscended</ExecutableName> <BuildConfiguration>Shipping</BuildConfiguration> <GameSessionID></GameSessionID> <PlatformName>Windows</PlatformName> <PlatformNameIni>Windows</PlatformNameIni> <EngineMode>Game</EngineMode> <EngineModeEx>Unset</EngineMode...
<GameName>UE-ShooterGame</GameName> <ExecutableName>ArkAscended</ExecutableName> <BuildConfiguration>Shipping</BuildConfiguration> <GameSessionID></GameSessionID> <PlatformName>Windows</PlatformName> <PlatformNameIni>Windows</PlatformNameIni> <EngineMode>Game</EngineMode> <EngineModeEx>Unset<...
“AllowTeslaCoilCaveBuildingPVP=True” in the GameUserSettings.ini under [ServerSettings] Added two configs for unofficial server owners to control Cosmo’s web weapon ammo “MaxCosmoWeaponAmmo” and “CosmoWeaponAmmoReloadAmount” in the GameUserSettings.ini under [ServerSettings...