which in turn also destroyed anything that was equipped to the dermis. We'll be rolling back Official PC servers to right before the .28 deployment to restore any player data that was lost due to this bug.
Element reward from bosses across all maps have been increased by 20% Pegomastax now have a toggleable ability to automatically pick up Gacha crystals in a radius that scales with its level The distance that other pairs of Gacha can be near to each other without causing unha...
- Made improvements to issue where Desert Titan would randomly fly away - Fixed stat reset when downloaded on a server - Wild Titans now deal 5x dmg to tamed Titans - Accumulated damage during Titan boss fight now determines quality of titan tame (was previously health at tame time) - Added...
which in turn also destroyed anything that was equipped to the dermis. We'll be rolling back Official PC servers to right before the .28 deployment to restore any player data that was lost due to this bug.