Unable to join Dedicated Server 主题回复 HPTD1的Deighv,在分类 General Discussion The error is the server browser using cached data for servers: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2399830/discussions/0/4035852333632874839/ They try to push players onto Nitrado Hosted Servers with this update. repta...
There are somethings that I dislike so much it makes me not want to play ark ascended (and to be clear I have stoped playing it.) If these things don’t change you’re going to alienate your fans. As loyal as ark fans are, you’re going to loose them. (An in game shop with i...
OK, I switched to Debian 12 (Ubuntu 22 & 23 have a bug that disconnects virtual USB Keyboards mid-install :-( ) and got almost all the way now, but after the "Starting the Ark: Survival Ascended dedicated server...", I'm now getting this: Starting the ARK: Survival Ascended dedicat...
Game Crashes when i try to join my single player 主题发表 Henzulu到General Discussion it just says LowLevelFatalError [File:C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 873] CurrentQueue.Fence.D3DFence->GetCompletedValue() failed at C:\j\workspace\...
Current ARK Official Server Network Servers Version: v56.5 v56.4 - Major version for Clients / v56.5 - Major version for Servers - 11/19/2024 Fixed a client stall on Xbox and Playstation that was caused by loading many custom cosmetics simultaneously Res
Also, I am not able to play on PC. Below is a list of things I tried and that have failed: 1. I am not given a host tether slider in world settings, that is only for PC players. 2. Dedicated servers or Private Matches do not allow my friends to join the server even when ...
Any Reason I Should Try Ark Survival Ascended? 主题回复 GmanPlaysGames的DeHammer,在分类 General Discussion not really, better graphics aside wildcard/snail has taken to nickel and diming people for individual creatures, charging yet more money for features in a game people have literally bought ...
Joining failed - Connection Timeout - Mega Thread 主题回复Thegrindingone的Luxyfufu,在分类General Discussion Bought the Ark ascended as soon as it came out and still have yet to be able to join official servers. Servers won’t even be full and I can’t join. Have tried everything to get...
ark survival ascended Admin / Trusted Player Tool - Game Save Visualiser 主题回复HPTD1的MirageUK,在分类PC Server Administration there is an option ingame on each tame to export them to a file. the Ark Smartbreeding app uses these files to read tame data to make the breeding database. You...
0 社区声望 动态 Feedback Unable to join Dedicated Server 主题回复 Boogieboy的Deighv,在分类 General Discussion I’m trying to join a server but says joining failed unknown error 一月23 12 条回复 ark survival ascended Ark News 所有动态 主页 Boogieboy 语言...