1: Doedicurus(bruh I don't remember the name) will harvest metal,stone and obsidian when gather from obsidian rocks,and more than ankylo. 2: There is only simple-cheap(not really) way to carry lot of this resources is agentavis,and this bird is slow. BUT if you have a quetzal and...
Once that is done, you can employ any code mentioned in the section below. Each command provides some form of advantage or creates a specific scenario in ARK Survival Ascended. ARK Survival Ascended console commands list and how to enable them These are the steps you have to follow before yo...
coming back from finding an explorer note and with tons of meat and hide from hunting, when we spotted two Carnos attacking something. We fly over, and we see they are attacking a Doedi with a bright white shell with grayish brown spots and spikes. We save him from ...
Like onThe Island,it shouldn’t take too much effort to find a high-level Doedicurus due to their high spawn rate. But if you’re struggling,kill any low-level Doedicurus you encounter totrigger more spawns. How to tame a Doedicurus inArk: Survival Ascended Doedicurus will turn aggres...
Alternatively, you can use this spawn command: “cheat giveitem “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Polymer_Organic.PrimalItemResource_Polymer_Organic'” 1 0 0”. Related Topics Ark Survival Ascended Studio WildcardVirtual Basement LLC Action-Adventure GameSurvival ...
If you’re too lazy and want the easy out (I don’t blame you. I’m lazy, too), you can always use a command code to spawn one using the following input:Baryonyx_Character_BP_C How to tame the Baryonyx inArk: Survival Ascended ...
(if it doesn't already); not actually sure about this since I haven't really used the Megalosaurus since OG Aberration. Improved spawn rates in and/or around caves would be nice too, since I've only encountered a grand total of one in my entire Ark Ascended playthrough (which is ...
Dododex ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion Creatures▾ Items▾ More▾ TroodonTroodon Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command ARK's base taming speed on PC, PS4, and Xbox is now doubled, meaning 1× is as fast as what 2× was previously. Dododex has been updated ...
Hide Spawn Command Hide is used in 253 recipes Admin Blink Rifle Allosaurus Saddle Amargasaurus Saddle Andrewsarchus Saddle Ankylo Saddle Araneo Saddle Archelon Saddle Argentavis Saddle Arthropluera Saddle Ballista Turret Baryonyx Saddle Base Boots Clothing Base Gloves Clothing Base Pants Clothing Base Shir...
Fear Ascended Mod v8: Fixed the inability to open Zombie Wyvern or Zomdodos inventory Prevented unlocking Pumpkin, Scarecrow and Gravestone as a cosmetic Pumpkin, Scarecrow and Gravestone that were previously unlocked as a cosmetic will be fixed on player respawn ...