【ITBEAR】《ARK: Survival Ascended》(方舟:生存升级)再掀波澜,全新付费DLC「奇幻驯服(ARK: Fantastic Tames)」的第二弹内容今日震撼上线。玩家购买后将能解锁一只带有翅膀的神秘怪马——「Dreadmare」。 这只「Dreadmare」不仅外形诡异,更拥有飞行能力及多种强大技能。它能降低敌人的恢复能力,发动远距离攻击,甚至...
2024年11月1日,《ARK: Survival Ascended》(方舟:生存升级)迎来了其新推出的DLC「奇幻驯服」(ARK: Fantastictames)第2弹。此次更新带来的新生物——拥有翅膀的怪马「Dreadmare」,无疑将成为玩家们热议的焦点。这只其貌不扬却又令人畏惧的生物,除了长有飞翔的能力外,更具备了多项强大的技能,包括降低敌人恢复能力...
ARK Fantastic Tames is a new paid DLC to introduce newfantasy creatures into the world of ARK: Survival Ascended, which will be found in biome-appropriate locations of all Official Maps except for The Island and is transferrable. We're excited to launch this series wi...
《ARK: Survival Ascended》(方舟:生存升级)的付费DLC「奇幻驯服(ARK: Fantastic tames)」第2弹将于今日上线,购买后可解锁拥有翅膀的诡异怪马「Dreadmare」。这只长有翅膀、飞行能力的生物除了具备各种让人惧怕的能力外,还拥有降低敌人恢复能力、释放远距离攻击和施展护盾等技能,能够改变战况并创造优势。 此次推出的D...
在开放世界生存冒险游戏《ARK: Survival Ascended》中,最新的付费DLC「奇幻驯服(ARK: Fantastic Tames)」第2弹今日正式上线。这次更新让玩家们迎来了新宠:拥有翅膀的怪马——Dreadmare。它的登场不仅拓宽了游戏内的生物生态,更为玩家的生存策略和战斗方式带来了全新的思考。本文将深入探讨这一DLC所带来的各项新玩法,在...
ARK's traditional Valentine’s Day celebration has ascended! Love Ascended is a romantic seasonal event with event-themed skins, emotes, and chibis! Love Bugs will take to the air for a limited time, carrying special Valentine’s Hearts that survivors can collect and use to craft enchanting ne...
Sometimes basic is best inArk: Survival Ascended, and this location is fairly easy to find, has nearby water sources, and an abundance of flat land that is easy to build upon. Sat just above the river that runs through the middle ofScorched Earth,you can easily tap into the water below...
ARK Fantastic Tames and The Center Ascended are Live! 主题回复 ccz2887的StudioWildcard,在分类 Announcements As far as size, capability and potential, yes it was. As far as what’s in it, no it wasn’t, but I could have been. SE was never really a map that players had their home ...
Scorched EarthinArk: Survival Ascendedsaw the introduction of severalnew creaturesand Morellatops are crucial for any survivor due to their ability to store large amounts of water. If you’re on the hunt for a Morellatops, we’ve got all the information you need to add the prehistoric camel...
Introduction The Code of Conduct is subject to change without notification, though Studio Wildcard will do its best to ensure that...