Beaver Dam Location #1 The first spot is at63.3 Latitudeand65.6 Longitudeon the bottom right side of the map. You will find many Beaver Dams around the islands, especially the rivers in the middle, which have many places where beavers spawn. Beaver Dam Location #2 The second location for B...
ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion How do I tame a castoroides?Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a castoroides. 2975points🥚 Taming & KOMar 1, 2020Report If you want the stuff from their dams...don't tame them cause they won't build any more dams!
Beaver: Objective: Protect the Dam Objective failed Objective Updated: Survive. 148 pointsMar 17, 2021Report Get snails, get good frogs or tell every idiot on your server to actually destroy the beaver dam! That’s how you get cementing paste ...