Baby Mature Speed = 10 Baby Food Consumption = .5 Imprinting Stat Scale = 2 Cuddle Interval = .2 Cuddle Grace Period = 1 Cuddle Lose imprint Quality Speed = 1 Lay Egg Interval = .7 Ark:SE PvE Servers: [b](Copy the hostname, and port number from the...
Aberration Ascended and Bob's Tall Tales: Steampunk Ascent are now live! 主题回复 trashandglory的StudioWildcard,在分类 Announcements Aberration could not handle one day of game play on the xobx x. It has booted me and the game crashes when I try to log back into AB. I will try to ...
We’re really excited to get this out to you and cannot wait to see you build beyond boundaries in ARK: Survival Ascended! This is only the beginning of ASA’s Early Access journey; there’s still much more we plan to do to the game as we develop it. This means working through the...
Enabled the Full Hexagon Store on Official Genesis Part 2 Servers Reduced Cuddle Interval on Slide and Glide Mission from 0.5 to 0.1 to increase time between imprints (maturation and imprint bonuses remain the same) Fixed some mesh exploits Fixed some crashes Fixed a case where play...
- Fixed bug where baby Gacha's make crystals - Made Gacha's corpse last longer, and also added the chance to harvest stone Velonasaur - Fix for Velonasaur stamina drain not working on tamed. - Fix for Velonasaur breath getting stuck
- Fixed bug where baby Gacha's make crystals - Made Gacha's corpse last longer, and also added the chance to harvest stone Velonasaur - Fix for Velonasaur stamina drain not working on tamed. - Fix for Velonasaur breath getting stuck
- Fixed bug where baby Gacha's make crystals - Made Gacha's corpse last longer, and also added the chance to harvest stone Velonasaur - Fix for Velonasaur stamina drain not working on tamed. - Fix for Velonasaur breath getting stuck