Hi, I have already submitted this as a bug report, but I am also posting it here, so other server admins can find it. TLDR: If your server suddenly doesn't start and only wiping map helps, check map save for oversized tribe data file: https://...
ASA API Integration Streamline your ARK server with efficient API integration, ensuring a smooth and responsive gaming experience. Auto RCON Scheduler Automate RCON commands with ease, including multi-server tasks, for efficient server management and synchronization. Advanced Backup Keep your server data ...
Welcome to Dodo Island, a friendly PvE server with a mix of experienced and new players. We have finely tuned rates and carefully picked mods to ensure you enjoy everything Ark has to offer without any of the tedious grinding! We intend on building a thr
这里操作在Steam\steamapps\common默认路径中创建ASAserver文件夹安装,路径为Steam\steamapps\common\ASAserver\ARk Survival Ascended Dedicated Server 设置完成后安装启动DirectX工具包,VC运行库,Netframework 4.8.1 修复一下系统运行环境这个很简单按照程序启动后的提示操作即可 一共有两种操作方式来搭建我们先聊第一种:...
GameUserSettings.ini [ServerSettings] bFilterTribeNames=True // 是否开启基于白名单、黑名单列表过滤违规部落名称 bFilterCharacterNames=True // 是否开启角色名称屏蔽词的过滤 bFilterChat=true // 是否开启聊天屏蔽词的过滤 BadWordLi go爱我真好 3-25 7 【更新日志】版本v352.6服务端版本 2022/11/06...
MultiplierWhat increasing it doesWhere to find in ASE SettingsWhere to find in ASA SettingsProperty name in GameUserSettings.ini Taming Speed Reduces food required for taming dinos. This will in turn reduce time and narcotics, and increase effectiveness. General Tab Game Rules > World TamingSpeed...
We’re going to cut straight to chase and bring you in to take a quick glance at a very high-level ASA content roadmap.Get ready for the next chapter in the ARK universe, ARK: Lost Colony drops this November, with pre-orders starting in April, when you’ll be able to enhance your...
1.设置野生龙等级上限为150级 (1)游戏的难度等级设置为 1 (2)XXX盘:\steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor(可以通过steam浏览本地文件),记事本打开GameUserSettings.ini 位于此处[ServerSettings] 下添加一行 OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.000000 后保存(修改文件时需要先关闭游戏) 2....
Click the "Create new server" button Set your installation path Click install server and wait for the process to finish Once complete, click "Go back" and your server will be shown Change any required settings, notable mentions: a. Server Name b. Admin Password c. Max Players d. Ports (...
/server-files:rw + - /my/new/location/server-files-1:/server-files:rw - cluster-shared:/cluster-shared:rw # asa-server-2: # container_name: asa-server-2 @@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ cluster-shared: steam-1: steamcmd-1: - server-files-1: # steam-2: # steamcmd-2: # server-files-2...