− − {{ Photo | The Center Cave Inside.jpg | − | caption = 中心洞窟 − | link = The Center Cave − | icon = Artifact_Of_The_Devious.png − }} − {{ Photo | South East Cave (The Center).jpg | − | caption = 叢林洞窟 − | link = Jungle Cave...
On Ragnarok, the Artifacts on the map are the same, but every one of them EXCEPT for the Artifact of the Brute are used in the tribute requirement, making it pointless in going to the Redwoods for it! 六月29, 2024 3 条回复 Failsafe for Rhyniognatha gestation 求助发表 MalarOpossum...
Artifact of the Shadows Artifact of the Stalker Artifact of the Devious Artifact of the Lost Allosaurus Egg Ankylo Egg Araneo Egg Archaeopteryx Egg Argentavis Egg Brontosaurus Egg Carno Egg Turtle Egg Compy Egg Dilo Egg Dimorph Egg Dimetrodon Egg Diplo Egg Dodo Egg Gallimimus Egg Kairuku Egg Lys...
Offensive Text Filter - Added an offensive text filter that we will continue to update in order to address attempts at bypassing the filter. Our system scans for the usage of numbers and other ways to replace words quite effectively and we expect to make this more robust as we move forwa...
AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_01.PrimalItemArtifact_01'" 1 0 0 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_02.PrimalItemArtifact_02'" 1 0 0 ...
To address an unintended change, the turret exclusion list option is now applicable to wild dinos only The TEK Helmet multi-use wheel is now accessible while mounted Fixed an issue that caused the Lost Island Artifact of the Massive/Devious respawn incorrectly ...
On Ragnarok, the Artifacts on the map are the same, but every one of them EXCEPT for the Artifact of the Brute are used in the tribute requirement, making it pointless in going to the Redwoods for it! 六月29 3 条回复 Failsafe for Rhyniognatha gestation 求助发表 MalarOpossum867到...
To address an unintended change, the turret exclusion list option is now applicable to wild dinos only The TEK Helmet multi-use wheel is now accessible while mounted Fixed an issue that caused the Lost Island Artifact of the Massive/Devious respawn incorrectly ...