The Ark and the Darkness: Regia di Ralph Strean. Con Jerren Lewis, Andrew Snelling, Andrew J. Fabich, Terry Mortenson. Noah's Ark withstands a global flood, corroborated by scientific evidence across disciplines. A team exposes the truth behind this anci
The Ark and the Darkness (2024) Home 6 of 10 The Ark and the Darkness (2024)
An incredible film taking you from creation to the fall to the flood to today, and into | Check out 'The Ark and the Darkness: Noah's Flood' on Indiegogo.
We went to see “The Ark and the Darkness” last night in the theaters. I enjoyed it, with a few caveats. It shows the pre-flood world as a time of apostasy. It shows the flood as a violent event that demonstrates the justice and wrath of a holy God. It shows scientific evidence ...
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Feminist theory and research have shown us that gender is a linchpin of social orders, but they have not seriously envisaged a social order without gender.
suffering and death into creation, and since all people are descendants of Adam, all have inherited a sin nature set against God. Furthermore, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God(Romans 3:23). We live in a fallen, sin-cursed world where men love darkness rather than ...
Above: Example of Ron Wyatt's kindness and sincerity The forces of darkness are threatened by these discoveries and are influencing men to reject what God has done. How many people, leaders, accepted Jesus in His day? We cannot expect this dark world to embrace God's material. ...
While walking through this area, his arm pointed to a pile of trash next to an escarpment and these words came out of his mouth, "There is Jeremiah's Grotto and the Ark of the Covenant is in there." He hadn't even thought of those words, but they came out through God's direction...