There are 22 cave entrances spread across the map on The Island inArk: Survival Ascended,both on land and underwater, and you can find the specific coordinates of the cave entrances in the table below. NameArtifactLatLon Central CaveClever (Broodmother)41.546.9 ...
The Artifact of the Destroyer in Ark Crystal Isles is located in the lake in the swamp biome.It is located on the flat little ledge above the swamp at66.6 Latitudeand64.9 Longitude. The lake is filled with dangerous creatures, so we recommend going with Baryonyx. The Artifact will be locate...
在Center的北方冰洞, one of the two parts (the part with the Artifact of the Devourer) of the cave's crystal nodes are invisible (can still be farmed normally with a pick). This is especially detrimental when trying to get to one of the places that spawns a loot crate, which is alon...
In this guide, we will cover everything there is to know about Obsidian inArk: Survival Ascended,including all the maps where it is found, how to use it, and how you can spawn it directly into your inventory. Table of Contents The Island Obsidian Locations Ark: The Center Obsidian Locatio...
But if you’re playing on someone else’s server, avoid building on the Castle’s entrance. Other players could easily get mad at you for blocking the entrance to an artifact with your cool-looking base. Island Oasis (Coordinates: X:71; Y:52) ...
True prevent spawning of Loot crates (artifact creates will still spawn) Introduced in patch 231.7 SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier=<value> Value = floatDefault = 1.0Range= 1 to 5 Increases the quality of items that have a quality in the supply crates. The quality also depends on the Diff...
AllItem IDs Item IDsbyDLC BaseScorched EarthAberrationExtinctionGenesis: Part 1Genesis: Part 2The CenterRagnarokValgueroCrystal IslesLost IslandFjordurPrimitive Plus Item IDsbyCategory AmmunitionArmorArtifactAttachmentChibi PetConsumableDyeEggEmoteFertilizerFlagHairstyleKibbleRecipeResourceSaddleSeedSkinStructureToolTri...
was designed as a no-fuss, easy farm environment that focused on beautiful environments and making the life of the players easier. It’s also the only map that has all of the Artifacts in the game. This guide will show you all the Crystal Isles Artifact locations in Ark: Survival Evolved...
Premium mods are finally landing on Xbox and PlayStation at the end of April! Modding has always been a huge part of what makes ARK so awesome, and that community creativity has kept the game fresh for years. Between new worlds like Svartalfheim Premiu...
“Hide Enemy Structure Cosmetics” option in the UI can now be set to “None”, “All”, “Tek Only” and “Non-Tek” Gigantoraptor Feathers can now be utilized by both parents mating, as long as they are two different stats