admincheat playerascend2 immediately beta status admincheat playerascend1 immediately gamma status Command Effect Example Notes enablecheats <password> Enable server admin commands for current player enablecheats myadminpassword You must know the ServerAdminPassword to use this command. SetCheatPlayer...
Tame 90 creatures using a 9 batch commands:(使用以下批处理命令达成驯养全部动物成就,分九次) Gmsummon "Achatina_character_bp_c"1 | Gmsummon "Allo_character_bp_c"1 | Gmsummon "Ankylo_character_bp_c"1 | Gmsummon "SpiderS_character_bp_c"1 | Gmsummon "Archa_character_bp_c"1 | Gmsummon...
Load up a new level 1 character on The Island but don't level up at all Open up the admin commands and type in cheat playercommand Ascend 1 (which will give you Gamma ascension) Now load up The Center (which is locked behind the gamma ascension) Use the cheat to add experience to y...
cheat playercommand Ascend1 SetAdminIconSetAdminIcon true|false Cheat: Ja Ziel: SelfArgumente: true to enable, false to disable Beschreibung: Hides the Admin Icon next to the name in chat when a player that has enabled cheats writes something.Kompatibel mit Spielekonsolen: JaBeispiel: cheat ...
- Added the following admin commands: DestroyTribeId, DestroyTribeIdDinos, DestroyTribeIdPlayers, DestroyTribeIdStructures, and TPCoords. - Fix client softlock when teleporting to someone with TEK gear - Fix for server crash related to carrying passengers ...
[Special Note] InSingle Player Modeor as an admin in a Private Server, you can edit other players character's appearance by using admin command:admincheat SetTargetPlayerBodyVal # # For more info on using commands that changes the Survivor's body appearance seeBody Regions ...
When you put in a cheat, you then need to typeadmincheatas a prefix to any console command. If that doesn’t work, you can try just prefixing the command withcheat. Ark: Survival Evolved cheats: player (Image credit: Wildcard)
admincheat summon artifactcrate_11_c Survive a full day and night: (可能需要执行两次命令) Cheat settimeofday 06:30:00 Level yourself to max: addexperience 99999999 0 0 按B键,然后增加人物属性,使人物达到105级 Dinosaur Related: (驯养和骑乘成就) ...
Fixed an issue when changing the keybinds of whistle commands which would call the wrong command Fixed non-dedicated server tether causing players to get stuck in one another when riding tames Fixed characterXPbar not showing the correct amount of requiredXPto reach the next level ...
Fixed an issue that caused ascend/descend keybinds to stop working on dinos after enabling Photo Mode Fixed an issue with shadow flickering on Vacuum Compartments The Island: Attempted fix for Dragon boss sometimes appearing invisible to players. ...