弹出暂停屏幕上,选择Options选项,在这里要确保运动模糊(左下区域的Motion Blur)未被选中,不然你的屏幕上可能会出现很奇怪的现象,比如我的屏幕右边出现很大一片蓝色光,可能是PS4机能问题,优化挺渣的。 在暂停菜单中,您将看到一个旁边有“admin command”字样的命令栏,那个就是输入代码命令用的。当你每次加载进入单人...
If, however, you’re playing on a dedicated server or are on a hosted server, you’ll need to do the following: bring up the admin command bar, simply press the “Tab” key on PC,“L1 + R1 + Square + Triangle” on PlayStation, or “LB + RB + X + Y” on Xbox One. You wi...
admincheat giveresources This command will add 50 of each resource in the game to the user's inventory. Be mindful that this may easily encumber you if your weight stat is not boosted above 300+ or if you do not have this increased through admin commands ...
admincheat summon artifactcrate_9_c admincheat summon artifactcrate_10_c admincheat summon artifactcrate_11_c Survive a full day and night: (可能需要执行两次命令) Cheat settimeofday 06:30:00 Level yourself to max: addexperience 99999999 0 0 按B键,然后增加人物属性,使人物达到105级 Dinosaur Rela...
After the server admin enables cheats, multiplayer Ark shortcuts require a few extra information strings here and there. If you have the admin password, use the 'EnableCheats ' command to start using cheats. Some cheats will require the prefix 'admincheat'. In singleplayer, you don't need ...
6.8 RemoveTribeAdmin 6.9 TakeTribe 7 Creative Mode Commands 7.1 GiveCreativeMode 7.2 GiveCreativeModeToTarget 7.3 GiveCreativeModeToPlayer 8 Player Commands 8.1 AddExperience 8.2 UnlockEngram 8.3 HideRiders 8.4 ChangeSize 8.5 ClearTutorials 8.6 EnemyInvisible 8.7 ExecSetSleeping 8.8 Fly 8.9 Ghost 8....
Allows the Yutyrannus to command the Carnotaurus. Volcanic Eruption Message: The volcano is about to erupt! Better evacuate!! HUD Text: The volcano is about to erupt! Better evacuate!! Information: This status occurs when the Genesis: Part 1 volcano is about to erupt and the survivor is ...
Using this command will also enable you to ride the creature without a Saddle. admincheat addexperience <amount> 0 <sharetribe> Adds experience admincheat addexperience 2000 0 0 The <sharetribe> variable enable you to share the experience with the tribe. Use "0" to add just to yourself ...
Admin-only and no player join checks. Enhanced security features for password fields. RCON and API Integration: Expanded RCON command capabilities. Independent RCON connections and commands for each server. Full integration of ASA API for simplified installation. ...
Ingame Player ID: You can find out the ingame player IDs using “Admin Manager GUI” with the commandShowMyAdminManager. The “Connected Player List” displays the IDs and the player’s name. Steam ID: Some cheats require theSteam ID. You can find this with theListPlayerscommand. ...