AdminCheatAddExperience1000001Givesyourself1000XP给自己经验值1000(可改其它值) -AddExperience(valueforfirstnumber)(toggleoptioninrelationtotribe)(Secondtoggle)(thirdtoggle)sointotalthereshouldbe4separatenumbers. AdminCheatGiveResourcesGivesyou50ofallresources给各种资源物件50份 AdminCheatInfiniteStatsInfiniteHunger,...
A dminC heatAddEx perie nce 1000 0 0 1 Giv es yo ursel f 1000 XP给自己经验 值1000(可改其它值)-Add Exper ience (val ue fo r fir st nu mber) (tog gle o ptio...
强迫驯化恐龙(瞧著要驯的恐龙挨那指令)AdminCheat AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself 1000 XP 给本人履历值 1000(可改别的值)-AddExperience (value for first number) (toggle option in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (third toggle) so in total there should be 4 separate numbers.Admin...
ARK 方舟生存进化代码大全方舟指令按 ~ 进入控制台 **24 号补丁以后进入控制台改按 TAB 黑色是命令,绿色是中英说明多 人模式 SetCheatPlayer True Enables Cheat Menu 开启作弊选单SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu关闭作弊选单 AdminCheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Whitelistas家设为白名单 player 将玩 ...
AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Element.PrimalItemResource_Element" 10 0 0 TEK元素是盔甲制作材料,也是制作机开启,盔甲,武器所使用的充能材料和弹药 TEK盔甲5件套,代码: AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/...
强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令) AdminCheatAddExperience1000001Givesyourself1000XP给自己经验值1000(可改其它值) -AddExperience(valueforfirstnumber)(toggleoptio...
有管理员权限再配合命令:admincheat saveworld,就可以像单机一样SL。 9楼2020-05-06 19:30 收起回复 坐在路边鼓掌 利爪镰龙 8 好友加入游戏不建议通过好友栏加入,最好是在游戏内加入线上方舟-局域网。也可以通过steam界面上的视图-服务器-局域网来方便看看能不能搜到,同样不建议从这里进入,这个只是为了避免...
admincheat giveresources This command will add 50 of each resource in the game to the user's inventory. Be mindful that this may easily encumber you if your weight stat is not boosted above 300+ or if you do not have this increased through admin commands ...
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Additions_Pack/Deinotherium/Dinos/Rockwell_Deinotherium_Character_BP.Rockwell_Deinotherium_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 150 已驯服代码: cheat gmsummon "Deinotherium_Character_BP_C" 150 cheat gmsummon "Rockwell_Deinotherium_Character_BP_C" 150 ...
cheat gfi ArrowStone 1 0 0orcheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItemAmmo_ArrowStone.PrimalItemAmmo_ArrowStone'" 1 0 0 Crafting Required level Level 10 / 7 Engram points 2 EP Crafting XP 0.096 XP Crafting time 0.5s Used to craft 6 items Crafted ...