野生代码(普通/R依次): admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Additions_Pack/Deinotherium/Dinos/Deinotherium_Character_BP.Deinotherium_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 150 admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Additions_Pack/Deinotherium/Dinos/Rockwell_Deinotherium_Character_BP.Rockwell_Deinotheriu...
方舟:生存进化 附加生物模组(ark additions:the collection!)冰脊龙降血压驯服方法 1.3万 5 01:25 App 方舟生存进化附加生物暴动高棘龙vs灭绝mod精英南巨 2.8万 9 05:42 App 方舟:生存进化 宝藏模组推荐 simple spawners(简单的上帝) 3105 1 04:58 App 方舟:生存进化 圣盾高棘龙(双254)VS 困难凶恶棘背龙...
而为什么要单独开一个单机开荒贴,其一是因为我加了两个模组(两个都是基本不会影响游戏平衡的模组,一个是暴虐龙模组(domination rex),另一个是人气很高的生物模组(ark additions ---the collection,也就是有腕龙,恐鳄,高棘龙的那个模组), 171585 方舟生存进化吧 blibli707 维京岛兼容MOD现在附加生物模组(ark ...
Ark Additions Mod I believe the “ark additions:the collection” mod should have a serious look at being Added to the main game. So any of the Dino’s would make incredible Additions and are so well made and balanced within the game. If any I believe at
I'm the creator for the series of mods known as ‘ARK Additions’, with ‘ARK Additions: The Collection!’ being my sponsored content. My concept for these mods is to introduce creatures into the ARK world that I feel sort of... missed their chance with the game. ARK has a lot of...
Structures + is the ultimate ARK building mod, and what’s even better is the owner has recently returned to the ARK mod scene, fixed a ton of bugs, and updated the plugin. Super Spyglass Ark Additions: The Collection Crazy's Crazy Potions ...
而为什么要单独开一个单机开荒贴,其一是因为我加了两个模组(两个都是基本不会影响游戏平衡的模组,一个是暴虐龙模组(domination rex),另一个是人气很高的生物模组(ark additions ---the collection,也就是有腕龙,恐鳄,高棘龙的那个模组), 171585 明日方舟吧 一曲灬肝肠断℉ 请问大佬们,泥岩皮肤什么时候返场呀...
For those looking to add to ARK's list of creatures, Paleo ARK is a fantastic mod that expands upon the vanilla PvE experience in the game. And while it may not be compatible with many other creature mods, it does work alongside Kraken’s Better Dinos and ARK Additions: The Collection....
•Hope•Olympus•The Chasm •Zelos•The Eärrion Additions Additional Creatures: Grand Hunt •ARK Additions •Better MEKs! •Castles, Keeps, and Forts Remastered •Crystal Isles Dino Collection •Primal Fear •Primal NPCs
模组名:ARK Additions:The Collection! 模组ID:1522327484 模组作者:garuga123 通称:高棘龙 种名:圣盾/庇盾高棘龙(Acrocanthosaurus aegis) 生存年代:白垩纪 食性:肉食 性格:主动 驯服方式:击晕驯服,但击晕方式特殊: 1,生存者找到要寻找的高棘龙,吸引仇恨,并且在短时间内造成一定伤害使其进入庇盾姿态(Shied ...