This custom tool allows you to quickly and easily generate the code required to add a custom character & dino level system into your Ark: Survival Evolved Dedicated Server. Quickly and easily define level XP requirements and Engram Point Awards per level
Allows the Yutyrannus to command the Carnotaurus. Pack Leader Сообщение: ' HUD-текст: ' Прочаяинформация: This status effect is inflicted towards current highest-leveled pack-affected dino nearby (Allosaurus, Compy, Kentrosaurus, Ravager) or triggered by...
After that you then need to specify a new max xp level for both players and dinos. You do that using: OverrideMaxExperiencePointsPlayer=<value> OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=<value> Please note, I have created a tool here that allows you to enter the level,xp, and engram data for player...
A level 150 Troodon must be fed 2,072 XP worth of sacrifices during the night. Your sacrifices: 0 of 2,072 Taming at Night (Reduces required XP to 40%) Tap "add" next to a creature to add sacrifices. CreatureXP at Level Minimum Sacrifices Needed (Night) Titanosaur 621,690 Add Lvl...
All of us, except for Serenity, will lose our levels, engrams, and XP. Because she’s connected to a creation of the Prime Heart, her levels are permanent, so they will not be taken away even with ascension. It’ll be night when we get there, and we’ll have some time to set ...
OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=<value> value = integerDefault = N/A Overrides the Max XP cap of players & dinosaur characters, respectively, by exact specified amount.Introduced in patch 189.0 PreventDinoTameClassNames="<classname>" classname = string Prevents taming of specific dinosaurs via ...
The player gets additional XP equal to half the XP earned by an animal they are riding, so it's a good idea to sit on a dino while AFK. Tamed creatures in a Cryopod receive more passive XP. The max dino level (without breeding) after taming and leveling is 312 on an official or...
Will add the item based on the <itemnum> to the specified hotbar slot 0-9</itemnum> Give To Me GiveToMe This will transfer the targeted dino, item, structure orbuildingto the user who enters this command. However when used on a dino, although the ownership will be transferred it will...
Module:Infobox spawn command section(view source) Module:ItemLink(view source) (protected) Module:ItemList(view source) (protected) Module:ProcessArgs(view source) Module:String(view source) Module:TamingTable(view source) (semi-protected)
Fixed an issue when changing the keybinds of whistle commands which would call the wrong command Fixed non-dedicated server tether causing players to get stuck in one another when riding tames Fixed characterXPbar not showing the correct amount of requiredXPto reach the next ...