execute shell command failed. 错误描述 当命令不是有效的shell命令时,方法将返回该错误码。 可能原因 命令不是有效的shell命令。 处理步骤 检查命令是否为有效的shell命令。 16000151 无效wantAgent对象 错误信息 Invalid wantagent object. 错误描述 当传入接口的wantAgent对象无效时,方法将返回该错误码。 可能原因 ...
return ItemStatValue; }void ArkShop::ApplyItemStats(TArray<UPrimalItem*> items, int armor, int durability, int damage) { if (armor > 0 || durability > 0 || damage > 0) { for (UPrimalItem* item : items) { bool updated = false;static int statInfoStructSize = GetStructSize<FItem...
通过abilityDelegator中的executeShellCommand方法来获取。 示例: import AbilityDelegatorRegistry from '@ohos.application.abilityDelegatorRegistry'; let abilityDelegator: AbilityDelegatorRegistry.AbilityDelegator; let cmd = 'cmd'; abilityDelegator = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator(...
So if your Megatherio couple has 1000 life (without any added points) and then you add 50 points to them and make it reach 2000 (<-- example number only) and then you mate them, the children will be born with 1000 of life (which is the original stat as soon as Tamed), this ...
Choose “Experiment Fast Load Cache” launch option (use add “-usecache” to your launch commandline manually). After the first & second times that you start the game & load will be still be slow, but the third time onwards will be fast. This may be deprecated, as of 188.2 as it ...
command LocationCommand 是 指定目标场景,和将要发送的命令(字符串)。 返回值: 参数名 类型 必填 说明 Promise<boolean> boolean NA 表示命令发送成功或失败。 示例 import geolocation from '@ohos.geolocation'; let requestInfo = {'scenario': 0x301, 'command': "command_1"}; geolocation.sendCom...
Since in WC they decided to eliminate the possibility of modifying speed points, it is not even possible to get the Imprinting bonus on it, at least on the Official Dinos that we have with the first three maps. --- Allow me to add a clarification to what @Pipinghot wrote: given that...
One piece of cooked meat will heal 5 points of Health and give 20 Food. Freezing Message: You're freezing! Find some warmth, quickly! HUD Text: Food decreases much faster as the ambient temperature gets lower. Information: This is a Temperature status, and is affected by many different ...
With TLC Update 3 out and wyverns are now breedable, I would definitely recommend getting a 190 high base stat breeding pair ready for the future as I don't see why they wouldn't make Rock Drakes breedable as well. 4 points 🥚 Taming & KO Sep 29, 2024 Report I just tamed one ...
When Players, Tamed Dinos, and Wild Dinos level up there is a choice of a stat to increase. If you adjust these values you can control the amount of the increase. For example, you would normally get an extra 10 points on Health if you click the + for it on level up. ...