cheatwalk:关闭穿墙模式 生物相关命令: cheatSetTargetDinoColor<区域><颜色编号>:给当前目标染色 cheatForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe<玩家名>:将指定玩家加入目标部落 cheatAddExperience<经验值><是否为共享经验>:增加经验值 cheatsetbabyage<百分比>:设置宝宝生长进度 cheatslay<生物ID>:杀死指定生物
AdminCheatPlayersOnlyFreezesallDinosattheircurrentposition.Alsofreezescrafting.冻结所有恐龙行动,制作中的工作也会受影响 AdminCheatGhostNoclip,walkthroughwalls/objects.穿墙模式 AdminCheatForceTameInstantlytamesaDino.Canridewithoutsaddle.强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令) AdminCheatAddExperience1000001Givesyourself...
This is a passive tame. Like all passive tames, you must equip the item it requests in your hot bar and tap it to feed the item to the dinosaur. Once tamed, this dinosaur provides a 35% experience boost to your dinosaurs that are near it every 5 minutes when you use the social acti...
Improved user experience with seamless operation. Enhanced program stability and optimized performance. Enhanced Access Controls: Exclusive Server Joining: Admins can whitelist players, enhancing security. Admin-Only and No Player Join Checks: Specific checks for different player statuses...
I have created a custom tool to help you quickly generate the code to adjust these settings here: Character & Dino Stats Customization Tool XPMultiplier Value is a Float & Default is 1 Modifies experience received by players tribes and dinosaurs for various actions. Higher values increase XP amo...
模式AdminCheat ForceTame Instantltyames a Dino.Can ridewithoutsaddle.强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令) AdminCheat AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself 1000 XP给自己经验值 1000(可改其它值) -AddExperience (value for first number) (toggle option in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (...
4、tames a Dino. Can ride without saddle. 强迫驯化恐龙(瞧著要驯的恐龙挨那指令)AdminCheat AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself 1000 XP 给本人履历值 1000(可改别的值)-AddExperience (value for first number) (toggle option in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (third toggle) so in tota...
addexperience <number>-Add character XP points. Changesize <value>-Change size (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.). Dotame-Tame a targeted dinosaur. Enemyinvisible-Become invisible to enemies. Fly- Enable flying. Forcetame- Tame a targeted dinosaur and ride it without any saddle. ...
Use 'Walk' to disable GiveEngrams— Unlocks all crafting recipes GiveEngramsTekOnly— Gives you all Tek engrams GiveColors— Gives you a quantity of each dye DoTame— Tames targeted dinosaur (if it's tamable) ForceTame— Tames targeted dino, and dino is rideable even without saddle ...
OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=0 MaxNumberOfPlayersInTribe=0 SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier=1.000000 FishingLootQualityMultiplier=1.000000 CraftingSkillBonusMultiplier=1.000000 DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="MegaMegalodon_Character_BP_C",Multiplier=0.5) ...