Arjun ARRV同时,FMBT应该更便宜,以取代T-72 Ajeya,重量不少于50吨,采用1500-1800马力的印度动力单元和自动变速系统(“Bharat Power Pack”)。模块化设计也允许长期添加和转换。FMBT的开发工作已于MK1A进入操作状态时开始(正在进行中)。预计该型号将于FY 2030年投入使用,但比“Tank EX”重得多。
From the 1990s onwards, the Arjun was able to overcome some of its problems and a small production run of roughly 124 vehicles took place between 2004 and 2010. The first Arjun service version is referred to as Arjun Mk1 and somewhat resembles the Leopard 2A4 MBT since the tank was co-...
阿琼MK1A:简而言之:89项改进,采用改进的Kanchan/ERA-NERA系统、SAMHO ATGM、新的瞄准器、新的火控系统、地雷推土机、CABIS、NAVSAT、APU、改进的液压气动悬挂系统、ARGS和RWS。 阿琼MK-1A坦克的车体前罩和炮塔上反应装甲(ERA)保护的近景照片。 未来计划,FY 2030:阿琼Mark 2 出于市场营销目的,阿琼MK2又称下一代...
the Arjun was able to overcome some of its problems and a small production run of roughly 124 vehicles took place between 2004 and 2010. The first Arjun service version is referred to as Arjun Mk1 and somewhat resembles the Leopard 2A4 MBT since the tank was co-developed with Krauss-Maffei...
Arjun MK1 阿琼MK1A:简而言之:89项改进,采用改进的Kanchan/ERA-NERA系统、SAMHO ATGM、新的瞄准器、新的火控系统、地雷推土机、CABIS、NAVSAT、APU、改进的液压气动悬挂系统、ARGS和RWS。 阿琼MK-1A坦克的车体前罩和炮塔上反应装甲(ERA)保护的近景照片。