Arjun MK1A引入了一个改进的装甲炮塔设计,称为“改进的Kanchan”。它提供了对大型APFSDS弹、HESH和HEAT的增强防护,具有一组覆盖炮塔侧面、车体坡道和侧护板的增强额外ERA装甲板。装甲套件还集成了非爆炸反应装甲(NERA)。主动保护 Mk1A炮塔被修改为符合现代电子光学瞄准标准的降低轮廓。集成并于2009年获得认证的多功...
The first Arjun service version is referred to as Arjun Mk1 and somewhat resembles the Leopard 2A4 MBT since the tank was co-developed with Krauss-Maffei who designed the original German MBT.The basic hull of the vehicle was made of steel but the tank’s boxy appearance was mainly due to ...
Arjun MK1A还在炮塔中集成了先进的陆地导航系统(ALNS)。它增加了Mk1 GPS/惯性导航系统。它的天线和惯性星基夜视摄像机固定在Mk1A广泛的传感器桅杆顶部。此外,在MK1A型号上,驾驶员使用未冷却的夜视摄像机和热成像仪,具有双目视觉,以确保夜间驾驶的安全。 阿琼Mark 1A的设计 Mark 1A与Mark 1有许多共同之处,但最明...
the Arjun was able to overcome some of its problems and a small production run of roughly 124 vehicles took place between 2004 and 2010. The first Arjun service version is referred to as Arjun Mk1 and somewhat resembles the Leopard 2A4 MBT since the tank was co-developed with Krauss-Maffei...
Arjun MK1 阿琼MK1A:简而言之:89项改进,采用改进的Kanchan/ERA-NERA系统、SAMHO ATGM、新的瞄准器、新的火控系统、地雷推土机、CABIS、NAVSAT、APU、改进的液压气动悬挂系统、ARGS和RWS。 阿琼MK-1A坦克的车体前罩和炮塔上反应装甲(ERA)保护的近景照片。