For example, strongly held cultural beliefs about the danger of using up limited sperm reserves, may impact vulnerable individuals to develop concerns about sexual performance, leading to anxiety which may in turn promote the onset and maintenance of problems (Bhugra & De Silva, 2009). However, ...
The Arizona Adult Protective Services Act and House Bill 2344: New Amendments Concerning Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable AdultsThe Arizona Adult Protective Services Act ("APSA") was originally enacted by the Arizona State Legislature in 1988 in order to protect the State's substantial elder ...
● In state and out of state travel, contact with vulnerable adults. Knowledge, Skills & Abilities (KSAs): Knowledge in: ● Effective development and delivery of human service programs and services - Relevant experience overseeing federal and/or state programs, with specific experience related to...
Also due to their small size, children are more vulnerable to rapid dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea, making them more likely to have poor- prognosis gastroenteritis infections. Behavioral aspects also put children at increased risk of infection. Children may also be less likely than adults ...